Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2013-09"
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- Techniques in weak analysis for conservation resultsPublication . Fernandes, António; Ferreira, Fernando; Ferreira, GildaWe review and describe the main techniques for setting up systems of weak analysis, i.e. formal systems of second-order arithmetic related to subexponential classes of computational complexity. These involve techniques of proof theory (e.g., Herbrand’s theorem and the cut-elimination theorem) and model theoretic techniques like forcing. The techniques are illustrated for the particular case of polytime computability. We also include a brief section where we list the known results in weak analysis.
- Relatório final do Projecto Trajectórias, da dependência à reinserção: estudo de trajectórias sociais de toxicodependentes após processo terapêuticoPublication . Henriques, Susana; Candeias, PedroO presente relatório dá conta dos resultados do projeto de investigação Trajetórias da dependência à integração – estudo das trajetórias sociais de toxicodependentes após processo terapêutico. Com estes resultados pretendemos contribuir para a compreensão e explicação acerca da complexa realidade da reintegração social de dependentes de substâncias psicoativas, após a passagem por um processo de tratamento numa comunidade terapêutica.
- Trajectories, from addiction to reintegration : a ten years follow up studyPublication . Henriques, Susana; Candeias, Pedro; Martins, RuiThis paper is a contribution to understanding and explanation of the complex reality of the social reintegration of people addicted to psychoactive substances, after attendance at a detoxification and treatment process in a therapeutic community.
- Ecological risk assessment of impacted estuarine areas: integratingPublication . Gonçalves, Cátia; Martins, M.; Costa, Maria Helena; Caeiro, Sandra; Costa, Pedro M.The analysis of multiple biomarker responses is nowadays recognized as a valuable tool to circumvent potential confounding factors affecting biomonitoring studies and allows a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying exposure to natural mixtures of toxicants. For the purpose of an environmental risk assessment (ERA) in an impacted estuary in SW Europe (the Sado, Portugal), juvenile Solea senegalensis from commercial fishing areas were surveyed for histopathological liver alterations and biochemical biomarkers. Although the findings revealed moderate differences in the patterns of histopathological traits between urban/industrial- and agricultural-influenced areas within the same estuary, no significant distinction was found between the cumulative alterations in animals from the two sites. The overall level of histopathological injury was low and severe traits like neoplasms or preneoplastic foci were absent. While metallothionein induction and lipid peroxidation could relate to histopathological condition indices, the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes appeared to be impaired in animals collected off the estuary's heavy-industry belt (the most contaminated site), which may partially explain some degree of hepatic integrity loss. Overall, the results are consistent with low-moderate contamination of the estuary and indicate that oxidative stress is the most important factor accounting for differences between sites. The study highlights the need of integrating multiple biomarkers when multiple environmental stressors are involved and the advantages of surveying toxicity effects in fieldcollected, foraging, organisms.
- Building a bicycle suitability map for CoimbraPublication . Tralhao, Lino; Ribeiro, Nuno; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Sousa, NunoThe adoption of faster modes of transportation (mainly the private car) has changed profoundly the spatial organisation of cities. The increase in distance covered due to increased speed of travel and to urban sprawl leads to an increase in energy consumption, being the transportation sector a huge consumer responsible for 61.5% of total world oil consumption and a global final energy consumption of 31.6% in EU-27 (2007). Due to unsustainable transportation conditions, many cities suffer from congestion and various other traffic problems. Such situations get worse with solutions mostly seen in the development of new infrastructure for motorized modes of transportation, and construction of car parking structures. The bicycle, considered the most efficient among all modes of transportation including walking, is a travel mode that can be adopted in most cities contributing for urban sustainability given the associated environmental, economic and social advantages. In many nations a large number of policy initiatives have focused on discouraging the use of private cars, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transportation, like public transportation and other forms such as bicycling. Given the importance of developing initiatives that favour the use of bicycle as an urban transportation mode, an analysis of city suitability, including distances and slopes of street network, is crucial in order to help decision-makers to plan the city for bicycle. In this research Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was used for this purpose and some results are presented concerning the city of Coimbra.
- Silêncio inquieto : a "stasis" maeterlinckiana em Raul Brandão, Pedro Tamen e Manoel de OliveiraPublication . Coelho, Paula MendesA partir de Maeterlinck (stasis e "Trágico quotidiano"), ensaio sobre as relações entre O Gebo e a Sombra (Raul Brandão, 1923), Um Teatro às Escuras (poesia, Pedro Tamen, 2011) e o filme de Manoel de Oliveira (O Gebo e a Sombra, 2011).
- Políticas públicas sobre drogasPublication . Henriques, SusanaA comunicação proferida na mesa de encerramento do Curso de Verão ‘América Latina Hoje’ 2013, teve como tema central as políticas públicas sobre drogas em Portugal e pretendeu lançar pistas de discussão, debate e investigação sobre a temática.
- Experiências de organização do trabalho docente no ensino superior em regime de e-learningPublication . Seabra, Filipa; Henriques, SusanaO debate e a prática do ensino superior têm sido transversalmente marcados por questões como o enfoque no e-learning, a aplicação de novas metodologias de ensino e aprendizagem, designadamente a aprendizagem a distância. Este tipo de questões, associam-se a um novo paradigma centrado no estudante e na dimensão social do ensino superior. Neste contexto, o ensino a distância em modalidade e-learning tem vindo a ganhar expressão no panorama Português, onde se destaca a Universidade Aberta. A especificidade da modalidade de ensino e do público-alvo determinaram a elaboração de um modelo pedagógico virtual próprio, informado por quatro eixos fundamentais: a aprendizagem centrada no estudante; o primado da flexibilidade; o primado da interação; e o primado da inclusão digital. Estas características, de entre as quais destacamos a flexibilidade inerente ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem levantam questões relacionadas com a gestão do tempo dos professores. É em torno de um conjunto de experiências de organização do trabalho docente e de gestão do tempo que propomos a discussão apresentada nesta comunicação, que se fundamenta numa metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à entrevista semiestruturada como método de recolha de dados, e à análise de conteúdo como técnica de análise de dados.
- Multi-attribute classification of housing conservation status in urban regeneration actionsPublication . Jesus, Eduardo Natividade; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Tralhao, Lino; Sousa, NunoUrban regeneration is more and more a “universal issue” and a crucial factor in the new trends of urban planning. It is no longer only an area of study and research; it became part of new urban and housing policies. Urban regeneration involves complex decisions as a consequence of the multiple dimensions of the problems that include special technical requirements, safety concerns, socio-economic, environmental, aesthetic, and political impacts, among others. This multi-dimensional nature of urban regeneration projects and their large capital investments justify the development and use of state-of-the-art decision support methodologies to assist decision makers. This research focuses on the development of a multi-attribute approach for the evaluation of building conservation status in urban regeneration projects, thus supporting decision makers in their analysis of the problem and in the definition of strategies and priorities of intervention. The methods presented can be embedded into a Geographical Information System for visualization of results. A real-world case study was used to test the methodology, whose results are also presented.
- "But Why No Women Write, I Pray?": Sarah Jinner's defence of women's public voice in her almanacsPublication . Oliveira, SusanaIn seventeenth-century England, women writers had already been able to move outside the scope of the two genres of writing that had initially been approved for them: translation and devotional literature. It is noteworthy, however, to acknowledge women as authors of almanacs, considering that these writings involved a scientific background based upon a specific education on medicine and astrology usually inaccessible to women. Between 1658 and 1664, Sarah Jinner emerged as the first woman author of almanacs. Besides the anticipated prophecies and medical advice, this London astrologer also advocated women’s public voice in her works: “But why no women write, I pray?”. Jinner used these popular and widely read Early Modern English texts to publicize her defence of women. This paper aims at focusing on Jinner’s open challenge of the Aristotelian perspective on women and her defence of women’s public voice.