Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2023-01"
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- Divulgação científica e informação em saúde para regiões fronteiriças: o enfrentamento à Sífilis na Tríplice Fronteira Brasil/Paraguai/ArgentinaPublication . Braz, Arthur; Bäckström, Bárbara; Muneiro, Lilian; Barbalho Braz, Laisi; Sousa, Suelayne; Soares, Jordana
- A transdisciplinaridade na média-arte digital enquanto processo de criação-investigaçãoPublication . Marcos, Adérito; Mucheroni, Marcos; Pereira, SelmaNeste artigo, realizamos uma análise crítica e discussão sustentada acerca dos traços de transdisciplinaridade presentes na média-arte digital tanto enquanto processo criativo como também de investigação. Na análise, contrapomos os princípios da transdisciplinaridade conforme expressos na Carta da Transdisciplinaridade de 1994 e ainda o pensamento contemporâneo definidor e problematizador de um conjunto de autores de referência, complementado com as características definidoras e empíricas da média-arte digital, dando-se especial ênfase ao ciclo de criação-investigação que lhe está subjacente. Este ciclo é central na média-arte digital, um movimento artístico que se deixa instanciar por meio de artefatos, instalações e performances artísticas que são parte integrante e indissociável da nossa contemporaneidade digital.
- Validation of the competences for the 21st century skill scale in higher education studentsPublication . Castanheira, Carlos Augusto; Jardim, Jacinto; Oliveira, Carlos MiguelIn a global society, the importance of knowledge and assessment of transversal competences emerges to cope with the challenges of contemporary society, from a perspective of development and lifelong learning. Therefore, it is a priority to use assessment tools adapted to different cultures. The main objective of this study is to validate the instrument ‘Multidimensional 21st Century Skills Scale’ for the Portuguese population. The sample was composed of 413 participants of both genders, with a mean age of 24.30 years (standard deviation = 8.69), aged between 18 and 64 years, attending Higher and Vocational Education. The translation and back-translation of the instrument were carried out by experts (researchers and university professors in the areas of psychology, management, and entrepreneurship). The final version of the scale was composed of 30 items and the exploratory analysis identified three dimensions: Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Skills, Career Awareness and Innovation, and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. These factors were validated by confirmatory analysis. The authors suggest that the difference found in relation to the original version is related to cultural reasons, the age range of the respondents, as well as their academic level
- Perspectivas comunicacional, (inter) cultural e educacional e competências na promoção da saúde sexual e na prevenção da Sífilis e outras IST em contextos interculturaisPublication . Ramos, Natália; Lacerda, Juciano; Sousa, Suelayne; Almeida, AndersonO texto destaca a importância do diálogo multi/interdisciplinar e holístico entre saúde, comunicação e cultura, o qual coloca novos paradigmas e diversos desafios estratégicos, políticos, teóricos, metodológicos e éticos na prevenção, informação, educação, comunicação e promoção em saúde. Acentua igualmente a necessidade de desenvolver competências (inter)culturais, comunicacionais, tecnológicas e de cidadania no âmbito da saúde sexual e das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), como é o caso da sífilis, particularmente em contextos interculturais.
- Para uma breve introdução à sociologia da educaçãoPublication . Abrantes, Pedro
- Public perceptions, knowledge, responsibilities, and behavior intentions on marine litter: Identifying profiles of small oceanic islands inhabitantsPublication . Bettencourt, Sara; Freitas, Diogo Nuno; Costa, Sónia; Caeiro, SandraMarine litter is a global threat, particularly on oceanic islands where the problem is exacerbated. Perceptions, knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards the theme are crucial in its mitigation and prevention. This study assessed these points through a questionnaire to the inhabitants of a Portuguese archipelago. Data revealed that people associate marine litter with plastic and its impacts and are well informed about its sources and pathways. Yet, the degradation rates of marine items were frequently underestimated and the problem of marine litter was attributed, among others, to littering, single-use products, and excessive packaging. Some individuals did not consider themselves responsible for reducing marine litter, attributing responsibilities to third parties. The youngest group, men, and students were the ones who reported less litter-reducing intentions and behaviors. Distinct profiles were traced using the questionnaire’s answers, highlighting who needs marine litter literacy. Individuals who do not consider marine litter a current threat and live in a community that does not care about marine litter (profiles 1 and 2) were the groups that needed deeper intervention, due to their low perception and understanding of the problem. Marine litter literacy, management, and governance measures are necessary so that the public recognizes marine litter as a current threat, is worried about its impacts, avoids plastic use, and choses re-useable products (profile 4). In the studied oceanic islands, results indicated marine litter is not fully perceived by the public. A global and transformative shift in the way people are educated and behave towards waste and pollution is required, thereby highlighting the importance of increasing public perceptions assessment and marine litter literacy in the society.
- Strategic alignment of knowledge management systemsPublication . Claudio, Marta; Santos, ArnaldoManaging company knowledge and using it effectively is more than ever a strong competitive advantage in the business world. The scientific area of knowledge management and knowledge management systems have been intensively studied in the last years; however, we still see the unstructured implementation of knowledge management systems in organizations, the misalignment of knowledge management systems from the business model and the frustration non-use, lack of systems integration and/ or non-return on investment made either in technology or spent on heavy implementation processes. The state-of-the-art conducted during this study, showed that most knowledge management systems alignment models in the business context have a strong focus on the organizational dimension, e.g., culture, organizational processes, organizational structure, and leadership, having been identified only three models that also cover, simultaneous, the technological and strategic dimension. Our final objective in this study is, following the research survey methodology, to develop a proposed framework for the strategic alignment of knowledge management systems that can support company managers in their decision-making, and to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in this area.
- Learning analytics framework applied to training context: a systematic literature reviewPublication . Dias, João; Santos, ArnaldoCurrently, business organizations are struggling with the increasing demand for learning needs to address their knowledge gaps. They must have a structure that can reach all employees in terms of training and extract all the important data which is collected by Learning Management Systems during the instruction or learning process. This data will be of extreme importance for better business decisions. In this paper, it is presented a Systematic Literature Review with their respective phases duly explained and framed in the topic. It allowed us to understand the benefits, challenges, enablers, and inhibitors of the deployment and usage of a specified Teaching- Learning Analytics Framework. Finally, it is concluded, that the development of a reference model, could fulfill this gap in knowledge and help business organizations to allocate resources better and improve the decision-making process as well as an instructional and learning process. To achieve the final goal of this research, future work about the development of a Survey Research methodology will be started to fulfill this gap of knowledge.
- The impact of artificial intelligence on a learning management system in a higher education context: a position paperPublication . Santos, Arnaldo; Manhiça, Ruben; Cravino, JoséThis position paper provides an overview of the most important practices in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) used in educational contexts, with a focus on the main platforms used for teaching (LMS) to support the development of a research work at EduardoMondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique. To that end, definitions and descriptions of relevant terms, a brief historical overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and an overview of the common goals and practices of using computational methods in educational contexts are provided. The state of the art regarding the adaptation and use of Artificial Intelligence is presented and we discuss the potential benefits and the open challenges. The paper also presents the methodology and key steps which will be developed at UEM to achieve the research goals.