Este artigo analisamos a experiência com modalidades de aprendizagem pessoal, baseadas em Personal Learning Environments (PLE’s), inserida no contexto do ensino a distância da Universidade Aberta, em Portugal. Para além dos ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem consideramos igualmente os modelos de exploração das várias tecnologias que foram usadas para efeitos de aprendizagem individual ou em grupo, através da agregação de vários instrumentos de informação e de comunicação. A prática de leccionação no âmbito do mestrado em Comunicação Educacional Multimédia (MCEM) veio demonstrar que não basta fornecer ao estudante modelos de ensino/aprendizagem pré-formatados, sustentados em ambientes virtuais padrão ou na comunicação educacional do professor, deve ser igualmente facultada a cada estudante a possibilidade de escolher o seu ambiente pessoal de aprendizagem (PLE), agregando as ferramentas e os recursos que melhor se adaptam ao seu estilo de aprendizagem e aos objectivos pessoais.
In this article we reviewed the experience of student choice of learning instruments, based on Personal Learning Environments (PLE's), in the context of distance education at the Portuguese Open University. In addition to PLE's we also considered further exploration of the various technologies that were used for learning purposes, both in individual or group applications, aggregating various instruments of information and communication. The practice of teaching in the context of a master’s program in Educational Multimedia Communication (MCEM) has shown that it is not enough to provide the student with off-the-rack models of teaching/learning, sustained in standard virtual environments or in the set educational communication, and that we should also offer each student the opportunity to choose her/his personal learning environment (PLE), aggregating the tools and features that best fit own learning style and personal objectives.
In this article we reviewed the experience of student choice of learning instruments, based on Personal Learning Environments (PLE's), in the context of distance education at the Portuguese Open University. In addition to PLE's we also considered further exploration of the various technologies that were used for learning purposes, both in individual or group applications, aggregating various instruments of information and communication. The practice of teaching in the context of a master’s program in Educational Multimedia Communication (MCEM) has shown that it is not enough to provide the student with off-the-rack models of teaching/learning, sustained in standard virtual environments or in the set educational communication, and that we should also offer each student the opportunity to choose her/his personal learning environment (PLE), aggregating the tools and features that best fit own learning style and personal objectives.
Personal learning environments Ensino/aprendizagem online Redes sociais Média digitais Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Online teaching/learning Social networking Digital media
Bidarra, José [et al.] - Personal learning environments no contexto virtual de um mestrado em comunicação educacional multimédia [Em linha]. In Rodríguez, Manuel Caeiro; Silveira, Ricardo Azambuja; Escudeiro, Paula, eds. - TICAI 2010. [S.l.] : IEEE, Sociedad de Educación, 2010. ISBN 978-84-8158-548-3. p. 67-73
IEEE, Sociedad de Educación