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Na era da globalização, facilitada pelas Tecnologias de Informação e Computação
e pelos contextos multiculturais, merece particular destaque a mobilidade dos indivĂduos
partilhando formação e aprendizagens interculturais. A mobilidade em ERASMUS, tem
vindo a aumentar a internacionalização fomentando a mediação intercultural e a
uniformização de modelos de ensino e aprendizagem, onde a inovação e as competĂȘncias
empreendedoras tĂȘm vindo a contribuir para a formação global do jovem adulto, qual ator
principal destes contextos. O modelo EntreComp pretende ser um modelo facilitador das
competĂȘncias empreendedoras a desenvolver na era da globalização. Neste contexto, o
presente trabalho tem como principais objectivos conhecer as CompetĂȘncias
Empreendedoras em situação de ERASMUS, construir e validar para a população
portuguesa instrumentos de avaliação de competĂȘncias empreendedoras em ERASMUS.
Foram realizados 6 estudos: 2 de revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica, que pretenderam conhecer e
caracterizar as competĂȘncias bem como avaliar o impacto das competĂȘncias
empreendedoras em situação de Erasmus e 4 estudos empĂricos pretenderam identificar
as competĂȘncias, a validação de instrumentos de avaliação de competĂȘncias
empreendedoras adaptados Ă lĂngua portuguesa. Os estudos empĂricos envolveram 413
estudantes do Ensino Superior que responderam a um protocolo de questionĂĄrios online.
Da anålise dos dados destacamos os contributos para a investigação e para a formação do
jovem em Erasmus. As revisÔes sistemåticas vieram reforçar a necessidade de uma maior
clarificação e conceptualização do construto competĂȘncias empreendedoras e de ser
operacionalizada a avaliação de competĂȘncias. Os resultados dos estudos empĂricos
vieram acrescentar a construção e validação de instrumentos sobre competĂȘncias
empreendedoras para a população portuguesa. Os resultados corroboraram os trĂȘs
domĂnios do EntreComp, quais ĂĄreas estratĂ©gicas coincidentes com o processo
empreendedor. Os resultados salientaram ainda que o Suporte Social evidenciou ser uma
variåvel importante a considerar no processo de transição, inserção e adaptação em
contextos de mobilidade. SĂŁo referidas algumas implicaçÔes, nomeadamente ao nĂvel da
clarificação, operacionalização e avaliação das competĂȘncias empreendedoras, sendo
lançados desafios para a inclusĂŁo destas competĂȘncias nos currĂculos de formação inicial
e contĂnua dos estudantes do Ensino Superior.
In the globalisation age, facilitated by Information and Computer Technologies and by multicultural contexts, the mobility of individuals sharing intercultural training and learning is particularly remarkable. ERASMUS mobility has been enhancing internationalisation by fostering intercultural mediation and the standardisation of teaching and learning in contexts where innovation and entrepreneurial skills have contributed to the global training of the young adult as the main actors in these contexts. The EntreComp model intends to be a facilitating model for developing entrepreneurial competencies in the globalisation age. In this context, the present work has as its main objectives to know the Entrepreneurial Competences in ERASMUS environments and to build and validate the Portuguese population instruments for assessing entrepreneurial competencies in ERASMUS. 6 studies were carried out: 2 systematic reviews, which aimed to identify and characterise the competences as well as to assess the impact of entrepreneurial competences in an Erasmus situation; and four empirical studies, which aimed to identify the competencies and to validate instruments to assess entrepreneurial competences adapted to the Portuguese culture. The empirical studies involved 413 Higher Education students who responded to a protocol of online surveys. The data analysis highlights the contributions to research and the training of young people in Erasmus. The systematic reviews reinforced the importance of further clarifying and conceptualising the construct of entrepreneurial competencies and operationalising the assessment of competencies. The empirical research results added to the construction and validation of instruments on entrepreneurial competencies for the Portuguese population. The results corroborated the three domains of EntreComp as strategic areas coinciding with the entrepreneurial process. The results also highlighted that Social Support proved to be an important variable to consider in the transition, insertion, and adaptation process in mobility contexts. Some implications are mentioned, namely, at the level of clarification, operationalisation and assessment of entrepreneurial competencies. Challenges are raised for the inclusion of these competencies in the initial and continuing training curricula of Higher Education students.
In the globalisation age, facilitated by Information and Computer Technologies and by multicultural contexts, the mobility of individuals sharing intercultural training and learning is particularly remarkable. ERASMUS mobility has been enhancing internationalisation by fostering intercultural mediation and the standardisation of teaching and learning in contexts where innovation and entrepreneurial skills have contributed to the global training of the young adult as the main actors in these contexts. The EntreComp model intends to be a facilitating model for developing entrepreneurial competencies in the globalisation age. In this context, the present work has as its main objectives to know the Entrepreneurial Competences in ERASMUS environments and to build and validate the Portuguese population instruments for assessing entrepreneurial competencies in ERASMUS. 6 studies were carried out: 2 systematic reviews, which aimed to identify and characterise the competences as well as to assess the impact of entrepreneurial competences in an Erasmus situation; and four empirical studies, which aimed to identify the competencies and to validate instruments to assess entrepreneurial competences adapted to the Portuguese culture. The empirical studies involved 413 Higher Education students who responded to a protocol of online surveys. The data analysis highlights the contributions to research and the training of young people in Erasmus. The systematic reviews reinforced the importance of further clarifying and conceptualising the construct of entrepreneurial competencies and operationalising the assessment of competencies. The empirical research results added to the construction and validation of instruments on entrepreneurial competencies for the Portuguese population. The results corroborated the three domains of EntreComp as strategic areas coinciding with the entrepreneurial process. The results also highlighted that Social Support proved to be an important variable to consider in the transition, insertion, and adaptation process in mobility contexts. Some implications are mentioned, namely, at the level of clarification, operationalisation and assessment of entrepreneurial competencies. Challenges are raised for the inclusion of these competencies in the initial and continuing training curricula of Higher Education students.
Globalização CompetĂȘncias empreendedoras ERASMUS Jovens adultos Ensino superior Globalization Entrepreneurial skills Young adult Higher education
Castanheira, Carlos Augusto Calado - CompetĂȘncias empreendedoras do jovem adulto em contexto global de mobilidade ERASMUS+ [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 222 p.