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O cancro colo-retal é um dos tipos de cancro mais comuns, em ambos os sexos,
tendo em conta os dados existentes nos registos oncológicos nas mais diversas
regiões do globo, facto que acontece também na região Norte de Portugal.
O objetivo desta dissertação foi utilizar métodos de análise de sobrevivência
tradicional e de análise de sobrevivência relativa, em dados do cancro colo-retal,
considerando um período de observação de 5 anos. Os dados analisados são
provenientes do Registo Oncológico Regional do Norte (RORENO), obtendo-se,
após inspeção e tratamento prévio, um total de 2855 pacientes aos quais foi
diagnosticado cancro colo-retal em dois períodos distintos, 2000-2001 e 2007-
2008. Pretendeu-se também determinar de que forma as covariáveis influenciam a
sobrevivência, e como esta evoluiu entre essas duas coortes. Dado não existir
informação sobre as causas de morte, foi objetivo deste estudo estimar que parte
da mortalidade observada se deve à doença em questão e que parte se deve a
outras causas que afetam a mortalidade da população geral. Foram, também,
estimados os coeficientes das covariáveis consideradas para os modelos adotados.
Todos os resultados foram obtidos utilizando como recurso o software R e seus
pacotes adequados. Utilizaram-se diversos métodos tais como Kaplan-Meier, Cox,
Ederer II e Net Survival, sendo este último considerado o mais adequado a este
tipo de estudo pois é considerado pela comunidade científica o único estimador
centrado para análise de sobrevivência relativa e cujas propriedades estatísticas
permitem a sua utilização em estudos comparativos entre países. Verificou-se, por
este estimador, que não existem diferenças significativas na sobrevivência em
função do sexo, idade, distrito ou localização do cancro (cólon ou reto). Por outro
lado verificaram-se diferenças significativas para a sobrevivência em função do
estadio e das coortes, registando-se um acréscimo global de 8.5% na sobrevivência
aos 5 anos de 2000-2001 para 2007-2008. Por fim destacam-se alguns aspetos
que merecem atenção em estudos futuros.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting both genders according to cancer registries all over the world and also at the North Portugal’s Cancer Registry. The objective of this dissertation was to study colorectal cancer survival by application of traditional survival analysis and relative survival analysis, for a 5 year observation period. Analyzed data was obtained from the local cancer registry (RORENO), and after data inspection and treatment, lead to a total of 2855 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in two distinct periods, 2000-2001 and 2007-2008. We intended to determine how covariates affect survival and how has survival evolved between those two cohorts. Given that we do not have any information about death causes, determining what mortality portion was caused by the specific disease and what portion was caused by other causes of the general population, is also an objective. Covariates coefficients were also estimated for the adopted models. All results were obtained using the R software and appropriate packages. Several methods as Kaplan-Meier, Cox, Ederer II and Net Survival were used, being the latter considered by scientific community the only unbiased estimator for relative survival analysis, and the only eligible for comparisions between countries. Using this estimator there are no significant survival differences stratifying data by sex, age, residence or cancer localization (colon or rectum). On the other hand, those differences are significant stratifying data by cancer stage and by cohorts, increasing 5-year survival by 8.5% from 2000-2001 to 2007-2008. Finally, we highlight some aspects that deserve attention in future studies.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting both genders according to cancer registries all over the world and also at the North Portugal’s Cancer Registry. The objective of this dissertation was to study colorectal cancer survival by application of traditional survival analysis and relative survival analysis, for a 5 year observation period. Analyzed data was obtained from the local cancer registry (RORENO), and after data inspection and treatment, lead to a total of 2855 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in two distinct periods, 2000-2001 and 2007-2008. We intended to determine how covariates affect survival and how has survival evolved between those two cohorts. Given that we do not have any information about death causes, determining what mortality portion was caused by the specific disease and what portion was caused by other causes of the general population, is also an objective. Covariates coefficients were also estimated for the adopted models. All results were obtained using the R software and appropriate packages. Several methods as Kaplan-Meier, Cox, Ederer II and Net Survival were used, being the latter considered by scientific community the only unbiased estimator for relative survival analysis, and the only eligible for comparisions between countries. Using this estimator there are no significant survival differences stratifying data by sex, age, residence or cancer localization (colon or rectum). On the other hand, those differences are significant stratifying data by cancer stage and by cohorts, increasing 5-year survival by 8.5% from 2000-2001 to 2007-2008. Finally, we highlight some aspects that deserve attention in future studies.
Biometria Bioestatística Medicina Doenças Cancro Análise estatística Sobrevivência Cancer Colorectal Relative Survival Analysis Covariates Net Survival
Correia, Carlos Manuel Falcão Ferreira Vasconcelos - Análise de sobrevivência ao cancro colo-retal nos períodos 2000-2001 e 2007-2008 na região norte de Portugal [Em linha]. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2016. 150 p.