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A temática desta tese de doutoramento centra-se na polémica que, desde 1888 e durante décadas, opôs a Torre de Belém à Fábrica de Gás de Belém, funcionando este caso como epítome da história da salvaguarda do património edificado de Lisboa. Ensaia-se, deste modo, uma démarche original, centrada num único monumento e isto ao longo de seis décadas e três regimes políticos – Monarquia, I República e Estado Novo – que nos introduzem no que nos pareceu, desde bem cedo, ser “un grand moment de l’histoire du patrimoine” (Chastel e Babelon) em Portugal.
A orientação deste trabalho – que releva de algumas novas tendências de abordagem patrimonial que nos chegam de França, Grã-Bretanha, Itália e Espanha – procurou, ainda, seguir um percurso que ilumine as ideias-força que marcaram a salvaguarda do património em Portugal, sobretudo, entre finais de oitocentos e meados do século XX.
The subject of this PhD thesis centres on the polemics which pitted the Tower of Belém against the Belém Gas Factory, from 1888 through the following decades, working as a case study that epitomizes the history of the preservation of built heritage in Lisbon. An original démarche is thus attempted, focusing on a single monument, and doing so throughout six decades and three political regimes – Monarchy, the First Republic and the Estado Novo – introducing us into what appeared to be for us, from the very beginning, “a major moment in the history of heritage” (Chastel and Babelon) in Portugal. The outlook of this work – which proceeds from a number of novel tendencies in the approach to heritage that have come from France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain – has also endeavoured to follow a path that sheds light on the key driving ideas which have defined the historic preservation in Portugal, most notably from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century.
The subject of this PhD thesis centres on the polemics which pitted the Tower of Belém against the Belém Gas Factory, from 1888 through the following decades, working as a case study that epitomizes the history of the preservation of built heritage in Lisbon. An original démarche is thus attempted, focusing on a single monument, and doing so throughout six decades and three political regimes – Monarchy, the First Republic and the Estado Novo – introducing us into what appeared to be for us, from the very beginning, “a major moment in the history of heritage” (Chastel and Babelon) in Portugal. The outlook of this work – which proceeds from a number of novel tendencies in the approach to heritage that have come from France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain – has also endeavoured to follow a path that sheds light on the key driving ideas which have defined the historic preservation in Portugal, most notably from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Humanas e Sociais na especialidade de História apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Torre de Belém (Lisboa, Portugal) Preservação de monumentos Fábulas Preservação da propriedade cultural Arqueologia industrial Século XIX Século XX Património cultural História de Portugal Heritage Studies 19th-20th Centuries Belém Gas Factory Tower of Belém Lisboa
Ramos, Paulo Oliveira - A princesinha branca e esbelta e o dragão negro e rotundo [Em linha] : um estudo de história do património de Lisboa : 1888 - anos 50. Lisboa : [s.n.], 2003. 431 p.