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São cada vez mais as exigências de diferentes naturezas, porém indissociáveis, que chegam
à escola, exigindo inevitavelmente uma liderança partilhada.
Integrada nas estruturas de gestão intermédia, a coordenação de ano assume este desafio e é
parte integrante do nosso estudo. Na verdade, é nossa pretensão analisar a relação que existe
entre a liderança dos Coordenadores de Ano de uma escola secundária da região da Madeira
e a autoavaliação da escola à luz do Referencial Comum de Avaliação de Escolas.
No sentido de responder aos objetivos da investigação, enveredamos por uma metodologia
de estudo de caso, combinando métodos de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, que ajudaram
a garantir a validade científica. Deste modo, a parte empírica contou com a aplicação de um
inquérito aos diretores de turma, entrevistas aos Coordenadores de Ano e ao Coordenador
da Equipa de Autoavaliação, bem como com a análise documental dos relatórios de
Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que a relação que existe entre a liderança e a
autoavaliação da escola é de confluência positiva porque ambas perspetivam a melhoria da
qualidade da organização tendo como base um referencial específico de diagnóstico. Na
realidade, apesar de alguns inquiridos apontarem constrangimentos ao desempenho das
funções da coordenação, constatamos que o facto de os Coordenadores de Ano utilizarem
com predominância o estilo transformacional lhes permite alcançar resultados em sintonia
com os propósitos da autoavaliação e, por outro lado, o facto de estes assumirem a
autoavaliação como alavanca que avalia a qualidade estimula-os a (re) pensar o seu campo
de atuação.
There are progressively more demands of different natures, albeit indissociable, that reach the school, inevitably demanding a shared leadership. Integrated in the intermediate management structures, year coordination takes on this challenge and is an integral part of our study. In fact, it is our intention to analyse the relationship that exists between the leadership of the Year Coordinators of a secondary school in the Madeira region and the school's self-assessment in light of the Common Referencial for School Assessment. In order to respond to the research objectives, we embarked on a case study methodology, combining methods of a quantitative and qualitative nature, which helped to ensure scientific validity. Thus, the empirical part included the application of a survey to class directors, interviews with the Year Coordinators and the Coordinator of the Self-Assessment Team, as well as the documentary analysis of the self-assessment reports. The obtained results proved that the relationship that exists between leadership and school self-assessment is of positive confluence because both endeavour the improvement of the quality of the organization based on a specific diagnostic referencial. In fact, despite some respondents pointing out constraints to the performance of coordination functions, we found that the fact that Year Coordinators predominantly use the transformational style allows them to achieve results in line with the purposes of self-assessment and, on the other hand, the fact that they assume self-assessment as a lever that assesses quality encourages them to (re)think their field of action.
There are progressively more demands of different natures, albeit indissociable, that reach the school, inevitably demanding a shared leadership. Integrated in the intermediate management structures, year coordination takes on this challenge and is an integral part of our study. In fact, it is our intention to analyse the relationship that exists between the leadership of the Year Coordinators of a secondary school in the Madeira region and the school's self-assessment in light of the Common Referencial for School Assessment. In order to respond to the research objectives, we embarked on a case study methodology, combining methods of a quantitative and qualitative nature, which helped to ensure scientific validity. Thus, the empirical part included the application of a survey to class directors, interviews with the Year Coordinators and the Coordinator of the Self-Assessment Team, as well as the documentary analysis of the self-assessment reports. The obtained results proved that the relationship that exists between leadership and school self-assessment is of positive confluence because both endeavour the improvement of the quality of the organization based on a specific diagnostic referencial. In fact, despite some respondents pointing out constraints to the performance of coordination functions, we found that the fact that Year Coordinators predominantly use the transformational style allows them to achieve results in line with the purposes of self-assessment and, on the other hand, the fact that they assume self-assessment as a lever that assesses quality encourages them to (re)think their field of action.
Coordenador de ano Liderança Autoavaliação Melhoria contínua Madeira Year coordinator Leadership Self-assessment Improvement
Andrade, Elsa Maria do Rosário Alves da Costa - A relação entre a liderança dos coordenadores de ano e a autoavaliação da escola à luz do referencial comum de avaliação de escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 145 p.