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Act-now: fairness revisited

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The present global pandemic crisis has revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the institutional frameworks of contemporary societies. These institutional structures are solidly grounded upon the belief systems that have been dominant for the last five hundred years, both in the Northern and the Southern hemispheres. No matter the contradictions and contrasting characteristics, certain epistemic, methodological and paradigmatic traits can be identified across national cultures, political regimes, ideological doctrines, social traditions and historical processes. In other words, no matter the opposition and dissimilarity across subjective and objective human realities, nevertheless, it is possible to argue that the last few centuries have created a powerful overall zeitgeist, the spirit of time, that unites local and global, individual and collective, and internal and external realities across the globe. These under currents help to interpret present day paradoxes, ambiguities and contradictions, all of which are at the core of latent and explicit conflicts and antagonisms, blocking eventual possible solutions to emerge and develop.


I Congresso de Direito Internacional, realizado de 19-20 de julho de 2021 na Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Pandemic crisis Dark web Fairness Grass-root movements Civic participation


Iazdi, Oz Solon Chovghi; Keletso Pooe; Marc Marie Luc Philippe Jacquinet (2021) Act-now: fairness revisited, Communication presented at the conference I Congresso de Direito Internacional; Track nº 074: From Prevention To Conflict Resolution: Theories, Methodologies And Practices;; Lisbon, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 19 e 20 de julho de 2021, na NOVA School of Law, em Lisboa, Portugal

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