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Em Portugal há poucos estudos sobre a Arte Xávega que enfatizem a sua multidimensionalidade na compreensão da experiência quotidiana dos pescadores que ainda a praticam e que desenham modos de vida mais ou menos próximos da natureza, onde as percepções e a forma como lidam com os recursos do mar ganham relevo para compreender as relações e interações que estruturam os seus saberes e os seus fazeres e enraízam identidades e percursos de resistência que se afirmam entre a tradição e a modernidade.
Neste estudo de caso que desenvolvemos a partir das comunidades piscatórias de Sesimbra Vila e do Meco, a pertinência científica do estudo revela-se desde logo por se tratar de uma Arte de pesca secular que se encontra em risco de desaparecer e, com ela, as comunidades que em seu torno enraízam os seus saberes e a sua cultura.
Inspirada no paradigma qualitativo, assente na observação participante e em 17 entrevistas semi-directivas, esta pesquisa centra-se na perspectiva dos sujeitos e nas suas vivências, de modo a conhecer “por dentro” estas comunidades e compreender o papel da Arte Xávega nas suas vidas bem como as racionalidades que sustentam a sua resistência. A diversidade e riqueza das suas narrativas permite identificar lógicas comunitárias (por oposição às lógicas do mercado e do estado) que persistem na prática da Arte Xávega e que não se enquadram nas prerrogativas do capitalismo, da competitividade e inovação, carecendo de uma abordagem holística que conjuge a proteção dos recursos e das comunidades que deles dependem, numa gestão integrada que considere a sua riqueza biológica, a antropização do litoral, a pressão sobre os recursos, os saberes e vivencias locais e as suas raízes históricas e identitárias que marcam a sua sobrevivência em pleno século XXI. Apesar de a arte xávega não configurar uma realidade homogénea nestas duas comunidades, historicamente ela foi entendida como uma pesca artesanal de sustento, uma forma de vida da qual dependiam famílias inteiras, sendo hoje percebida como uma atividade complementar e uma herança que importa preservar. A Arte Xávega, nestas comunidades, não é entendida como uma arte destruidora nem predatória e apesar de conhecerem a sua classificação como “envolvente-arrastante”, distinguem-na claramente do arrasto cuja ação consideram “agressiva, intrusiva e prejudicial”.
Reconhecendo tratar-se de uma Arte de Pesca em franco declínio, afirmam o seu valor cultural e a necessidade de reapropriação do seu valor patrimonial e turístico para a manter, o que tem sido apoiado pelo poder local.
Este trabalho reforça a necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento dos modos de vida das comunidades onde ainda se pratica a Arte Xávega, de modo a informar uma política das pescas que atenda ao carácter social e cultural desta atividade e não apenas ao seu valor económico. Esse maior conhecimento permitirá criar condições para a preservação destes modos de vida tradicionais, mais próximos da natureza e das práticas ancestrais enquanto reguladoras dos ecossistemas.
In Portugal, there are few studies about Arte Xávega that emphasize their multidimensionality in understanding the daily experience of fishermen who still practice it and who design ways of life more or less close to nature, where the perceptions and the way they deal with the resources of the sea gain relevance to understanding the relationships and interactions that structure their knowledge and their actions and rooted identities and paths of resistance that stand between tradition and modernity. In this study case that we developed from the fishing communities of Sesimbra Vila and Meco, the scientific relevance of the study is revealed since it is a secular fishing art that is in danger of disappearing and, with it, the communities that in turn rooted their knowledge and culture. Inspired by the qualitative paradigm, based on participant observation and 17 semi-directive interviews, this research focuses on the perspective of the subjects and their experiences, to know these communities from the inside and understand the role of Arte Xávega in their lives as well as the rationalities that underpin its resistance. The diversity and richness of their narratives allow us to identify community (as opposed to market and state) logics that persist in the practice of Arte Xávega which do not fit into the prerogatives of capitalism, competitiveness and innovation, lacking a holistic approach combining the protection of the resources and communities that depend on them, an integrated management that considers their biological wealth, the anthropization of the coast, the pressure on resources, local knowledge and experiences and their historical roots and identities that mark their survival in the XXI century. Although the Xávega art does not configure a homogeneous reality in these two communities, historically it was understood as artisanal fishing of sustenance, a form of life on which depended entire families, being perceived today as a complementary activity and an inheritance that it is important to preserve. Arte Xávega, in these communities, is not understood as a destructive or predatory art and, despite knowing its classification as "enveloping-dragging", clearly distinguish it from the drag whose action it considers "aggressive, intrusive and harmful." Recognizing that it is an art form of fishing in a clear decline, they affirm their cultural value and the need to reappropriate their patrimonial and tourist value to maintain it, which has been supported by local power. This work reinforces the need to deepen the knowledge of the ways of life of communities where Arte Xávega is still practised, in order to inform a fisheries policy that attends to the social and cultural character of this activity and not only to its economic value. This greater knowledge will create conditions for the preservation of these traditional ways of life, closer to nature and ancestral practices as regulators of ecosystems.
In Portugal, there are few studies about Arte Xávega that emphasize their multidimensionality in understanding the daily experience of fishermen who still practice it and who design ways of life more or less close to nature, where the perceptions and the way they deal with the resources of the sea gain relevance to understanding the relationships and interactions that structure their knowledge and their actions and rooted identities and paths of resistance that stand between tradition and modernity. In this study case that we developed from the fishing communities of Sesimbra Vila and Meco, the scientific relevance of the study is revealed since it is a secular fishing art that is in danger of disappearing and, with it, the communities that in turn rooted their knowledge and culture. Inspired by the qualitative paradigm, based on participant observation and 17 semi-directive interviews, this research focuses on the perspective of the subjects and their experiences, to know these communities from the inside and understand the role of Arte Xávega in their lives as well as the rationalities that underpin its resistance. The diversity and richness of their narratives allow us to identify community (as opposed to market and state) logics that persist in the practice of Arte Xávega which do not fit into the prerogatives of capitalism, competitiveness and innovation, lacking a holistic approach combining the protection of the resources and communities that depend on them, an integrated management that considers their biological wealth, the anthropization of the coast, the pressure on resources, local knowledge and experiences and their historical roots and identities that mark their survival in the XXI century. Although the Xávega art does not configure a homogeneous reality in these two communities, historically it was understood as artisanal fishing of sustenance, a form of life on which depended entire families, being perceived today as a complementary activity and an inheritance that it is important to preserve. Arte Xávega, in these communities, is not understood as a destructive or predatory art and, despite knowing its classification as "enveloping-dragging", clearly distinguish it from the drag whose action it considers "aggressive, intrusive and harmful." Recognizing that it is an art form of fishing in a clear decline, they affirm their cultural value and the need to reappropriate their patrimonial and tourist value to maintain it, which has been supported by local power. This work reinforces the need to deepen the knowledge of the ways of life of communities where Arte Xávega is still practised, in order to inform a fisheries policy that attends to the social and cultural character of this activity and not only to its economic value. This greater knowledge will create conditions for the preservation of these traditional ways of life, closer to nature and ancestral practices as regulators of ecosystems.
Pesca artesanal Arte Xávega Comunidades locais Modos de vida Pescadores Pesca Tradição Modernidade Estudo de casos Artisanal fishing Xávega art Modes of life of fishermen Sesimbra Tradition and Modernity
Gato, Anabela Carvalho Santos Neto - A prática da Arte Xávega e os seus percursos de resistência entre a tradição e a modernidade [Em linha]: estudo de caso na Vila de Sesimbra e no Meco. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 161 p.