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O presente estudo retrata o contexto santomense nos ensinos de Artes Visuais e Tecnológicas.
A certeza crítica dos diálogos interculturais, o respeito pela diversidade e o exercício da
cidadania estabelecem bases para a construção e valorização da identidade. A cultura de São
Tomé e Príncipe – STP é o foco de referência deste estudo. Baseando nessas reflexões, o
desenvolvimento do presente estudo faz recurso a duas questões fundamentais: Como se
aborda a cultura de São Tomé e Príncipe nas aulas de Artes Visuais? Como é que o currículo
português de Artes Visuais, lecionado na Escola Portuguesa de São Tomé e Príncipe, respeita a
diversidade cultural? E sendo assim, o objetivo principal do presente estudo, reside em
compreender em que contexto cultural as disciplinas de Artes Visuais desenvolvem as suas
práticas educativas e identificar estas práticas na gestão curricular em STP. Ao confrontar a
educação com cultura e arte: objetivos, conteúdos e competências, este estudo evidencia
Educação Visual, Educação Tecnológica e Educação Oficinal – EV, ET e EO como referência aos
currículos nacionais e o da escola Portuguesa de São Tomé e Príncipe. Como resultado,
desenvolvemos o referido estudo na escola Preparatória Patrice Lumumba, no Instituto
Diocesano de Formação João Paulo II – IDF/Escola portuguesa de STP – EPSTP-CELP e no Liceu
Nacional. O estudo contou também com a participação de um artista visual e um agente cultural.
O número total de participantes, foi de 163 voluntários. De entre os métodos, utilizamos
entrevistas, o questionário, a observação e estudo de caso. No que diz respeito a satisfação dos
participantes concernente ao resultado final das atividades desenvolvidas nos estudos de caso,
os resultados obtidos nas etapas respeitantes aos três estudos (primeiro estudo foi de 96,3%;
segundo estudo 81,8% e terceiro estudo de 86,8%), foram bastante satisfatórios. O estudo
revela semelhanças e diferenças, do Passado e do Presente, e sua adequação às necessidades
sociais do Presente e do Futuro. São apresentadas algumas pistas que alertam as entidades
competentes e os professores de EV, ET/EO, não somente para as novas realidades, mas
igualmente, e, sobretudo, para a melhoria da educação em STP.
The present study portrays the Santomean context in the teaching of Visual and Technological Arts. Intercultural dialogues, respect for diversity and the exercise of citizenship lay the foundations for building and valuing identity. The culture of São Tomé and Príncipe – STP is the focus of this study. Based on these reflections, the development of the present study addresses two fundamental questions: 1st - How is the culture of São Tomé and Príncipe approached in Visual Arts classes? 2nd How does the Portuguese Visual Arts curriculum, taught at the Portuguese School of São Tomé and Príncipe, respect cultural diversity? Therefore, the main objective of the present study is to understand in what cultural context the Visual Arts disciplines develop their educational practices and to identify these practices in curricular management in STP. By comparing education with culture and art: objectives, contents, and competencies, this study highlights Visual Education, Technological Education, and Workshop Education – EV, ET, and EO as a reference to the national curricula as well as the portuguese school of São Tomé and Príncipe. As the result, we developed this study at the Patrice Lumumba Preparatory School, at the IDF / Portuguese School of STP – EPSTP-CELP, and at the Liceu Nacional. The study also had the participation of a visual artist and a cultural agent. The total number of participants was 163 volunteers. Among the methods, we used interviews, questionnaires, observation, and case studies. Regarding the participants' satisfaction regarding the final result of the activities developed in the case studies, the results obtained in the stages concerning the three studies (the first study was 96.3%; second study 81.8% and the third study 86 .8%), were quite satisfactory. The study reveals similarities and differences, from the Past and the Present, and its adequacy to the social needs of the Present and the Future. Some clues are presented that alert the competente authorities and teachers of EV, ET/EO, not only to the new realities but also, and above all, to the improvement of education in STP.
The present study portrays the Santomean context in the teaching of Visual and Technological Arts. Intercultural dialogues, respect for diversity and the exercise of citizenship lay the foundations for building and valuing identity. The culture of São Tomé and Príncipe – STP is the focus of this study. Based on these reflections, the development of the present study addresses two fundamental questions: 1st - How is the culture of São Tomé and Príncipe approached in Visual Arts classes? 2nd How does the Portuguese Visual Arts curriculum, taught at the Portuguese School of São Tomé and Príncipe, respect cultural diversity? Therefore, the main objective of the present study is to understand in what cultural context the Visual Arts disciplines develop their educational practices and to identify these practices in curricular management in STP. By comparing education with culture and art: objectives, contents, and competencies, this study highlights Visual Education, Technological Education, and Workshop Education – EV, ET, and EO as a reference to the national curricula as well as the portuguese school of São Tomé and Príncipe. As the result, we developed this study at the Patrice Lumumba Preparatory School, at the IDF / Portuguese School of STP – EPSTP-CELP, and at the Liceu Nacional. The study also had the participation of a visual artist and a cultural agent. The total number of participants was 163 volunteers. Among the methods, we used interviews, questionnaires, observation, and case studies. Regarding the participants' satisfaction regarding the final result of the activities developed in the case studies, the results obtained in the stages concerning the three studies (the first study was 96.3%; second study 81.8% and the third study 86 .8%), were quite satisfactory. The study reveals similarities and differences, from the Past and the Present, and its adequacy to the social needs of the Present and the Future. Some clues are presented that alert the competente authorities and teachers of EV, ET/EO, not only to the new realities but also, and above all, to the improvement of education in STP.
Cultura Diversidade cultural Artes visuais Tecnologia Educação artística São Tomé e Príncipe Culture Cultural diversity Visual and technological arts Education through art
Trindade, Anastácia Afonso dos Ramos - A cultura de São Tomé e Príncipe no ensino das artes visuais e tecnológicas [Em linha]: um contributo para educação. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 281 p.