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A presente tese centra-se numa análise comparativa das políticas e estratégias
estatais de promoção do português e espanhol como línguas estrangeiras na China. Para
este efeito, perspetivam-se Portugal e Espanha como ‘exportadores’ destes idiomas, e a
China como sua ‘importadora’.
Estabelece-se, primeiro, o valor e relevância para a China do português e do
espanhol, no contexto do seu estatuto como línguas globais, e das relações diplomáticas e
económicas entre os países em apreço. De seguida, caracteriza-se a presença destas línguas
no sistema de educação do gigante asiático, enfatizando-se o ensino superior na China
Continental. Procura-se desvendar que forças motrizes e políticas têm favorecido ou
contrariado a importação do português e do espanhol no país, bem como a sua situação
atual. Por fim, retratam-se as políticas e estratégias dos estados ibéricos para a exportação
dos idiomas em questão, com enfoque inicial na atuação global dos organismos
encarregues desta missão, e, em sequência, na sua concretização na China.
Concluída esta abordagem tripartida, procede-se a uma análise comparativa que
procura evidenciar as diferenças nas abordagens adotadas por Portugal e Espanha. Foram
identificadas lacunas na estratégia de exportação do português para a China, apesar do
contexto favorável à sua importação. Portanto, face aos resultados, apresentam-se
recomendações para uma utilização mais eficiente dos recursos atuais e identificam-se
áreas com particular potencial de expansão, a fim de beneficiar todos os envolvidos na
promoção e ensino do português língua estrangeira na China, desde professores e
investigadores, a formuladores de políticas e diplomatas.
This thesis conducts a comparative analysis of the policies and strategies employed by Portugal and Spain to promote respectively Portuguese and Spanish as foreign languages in China. Portugal and Spain are herein regarded as 'exporters' of these languages, while China is viewed as the 'importer'. Initially, the value and relevance of Portuguese and Spanish for China are established, considering their status as global languages and the diplomatic and economic ties between the concerned countries. Subsequently, the presence of these languages within the education system of the Asian superpower is characterized, with an emphasis on higher education in mainland China. Efforts are made to uncover what has driven or hindered importing Portuguese and Spanish into China, and their current status is assessed. The study then proceeds to illustrate the strategies and policies of the Iberian nations for exporting their languages, initially shedding light on the global efforts of the responsible bodies, before delving into their implementation in China. With this tripartite approach completed, a comparative analysis is performed to highlight the differences in the strategies employed by Portugal and Spain. This analysis has identified gaps in the export strategy of Portuguese to China, despite the conducive environment for its import. Then, considering these findings, we put forth recommendations for a more efficient use of existing resources and pinpoints areas with significant potential for expansion. This aims to benefit all stakeholders involved in promoting and teaching Portuguese and Spanish in China, ranging from educators and researchers to policymakers and diplomats.
This thesis conducts a comparative analysis of the policies and strategies employed by Portugal and Spain to promote respectively Portuguese and Spanish as foreign languages in China. Portugal and Spain are herein regarded as 'exporters' of these languages, while China is viewed as the 'importer'. Initially, the value and relevance of Portuguese and Spanish for China are established, considering their status as global languages and the diplomatic and economic ties between the concerned countries. Subsequently, the presence of these languages within the education system of the Asian superpower is characterized, with an emphasis on higher education in mainland China. Efforts are made to uncover what has driven or hindered importing Portuguese and Spanish into China, and their current status is assessed. The study then proceeds to illustrate the strategies and policies of the Iberian nations for exporting their languages, initially shedding light on the global efforts of the responsible bodies, before delving into their implementation in China. With this tripartite approach completed, a comparative analysis is performed to highlight the differences in the strategies employed by Portugal and Spain. This analysis has identified gaps in the export strategy of Portuguese to China, despite the conducive environment for its import. Then, considering these findings, we put forth recommendations for a more efficient use of existing resources and pinpoints areas with significant potential for expansion. This aims to benefit all stakeholders involved in promoting and teaching Portuguese and Spanish in China, ranging from educators and researchers to policymakers and diplomats.
Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos Portugueses na especialidade de Política de Língua apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Planeamento linguístico Política de língua Português língua estrangeira Espanhol língua estrangeira China Language planning Language policies Portuguese as a foreign language Spanish as a foreign language
Pires, Luís Tiago Alves - Análise do atual planeamento e políticas de português língua estrangeira na China [Em linha]: comparação com o caso do espanhol língua estrangeira e recomendações para planeamento e políticas articuladas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2024]. 350 p.