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Report case(s) Design. Report, by each partner, of their case(s) design (including ethics permission) and how it contributes to the total project

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The purpose of this deliverable is for all partners to share their case designs, ethics permissions, and explain their contributions to the overall project goal. The project aims to create an innovative, evidence-based aesthetic and embodied pedagogical Framework that impacts the practice of education for democracy and the associated Guides to pedagogical practice that support responsive, participatory pedagogies.1 For that, the six AECED partner countries use a Participatory Action Research (PAR) design through which they co-create, trial, and analyse a prototype pedagogical Framework and four associated Guides for elementary school, secondary school, higher education, and adult/professional education. In this deliverable, we present the case design for all 19 cases, covering a wide array of institutional trialing settings to ensure a differentiated and diverse set of data for reflecting on, analysing, evaluating, and re- designing the pedagogical Framework and the practice Guides. In alignment with the research aim and overarching research questions of the project, we have formulated specific research questions for all national partners, as outlined in the methodological Framework. These questions serve as guiding principles for the cross-case analysis, ensuring that each partner's research aligns with the overall objectives and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the project's focal areas. In the following, we will give a short overview of the case design phase that also encompasses the approval of each country's ethics commission. Both aspects will then be portrayed in the appendix.




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