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O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é um dos mais graves problemas de saúde na
atualidade, com alta incidência e sendo considerado a causa mais comum de mortalidade e
morbilidade nacional e europeia. A afasia é uma das sequelas cognitivas do AVC, podendo
ser permanente ou temporária.
O impacto da afasia e as suas implicações ao nível pessoal, familiar e
socioeconómico fundamentam a importância da reabilitação, uma vez que esta visa diminuir
os efeitos da afasia e restaurar as funções linguísticas.
O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o processo de construção e a evidência de
validade de conteúdo da plataforma SCARA, o protótipo de um sistema tecnológico para
apoiar a reabilitação da linguagem e da comunicação em pessoas com afasia. O processo
seguiu quatro etapas: fase interna da organização do programa, com pesquisa na literatura e
análise dos materiais disponíveis no mercado português; construção do protótipo SCARA;
avaliação por especialistas; e análise de dados. Para determinar o nível de concordância entre
os especialistas, foi calculado um Índice de Validade do Conteúdo (IVC). O nível de
concordância entre os especialistas mostrou a validade do SCARA. Este protótipo mostrouse capaz de auxiliar o trabalho do terapeuta da fala (TF) e da pessoa com afasia (PCA),
contribuindo para uma maior qualidade terapêutica, melhorando a recuperação linguística e
compensando a impossibilidade de apoio direto em intervenções mais frequentes e/ ou
Stroke is one of the most serious health problems today, with high incidence and considered the most common cause of Portuguese and European mortality and morbility. Aphasia is one of the cognitive sequelae of stroke and can be permanent or temporary. The impact of aphasia and its implications at the personal, family and socioeconomic level underlie the importance of rehabilitation, since it aims to reduce the effects of aphasia and restore linguistic functions. The purpose of this study is to describe the construction process and the evidence of content validity of SCARA, a prototype of a technological system to support language and communication rehabilitation in people with aphasia. The process followed four stages: internal phase of the program's organization, with research in the literature and analysis of the materials available in the Portuguese market; construction of the SCARA prototype; evaluation by experts; and data analysis. To determine the level of agreement between the experts, a Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated. The level of agreement between experts showed the validity of SCARA. This prototype showed to be able to help the work of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) and the person with aphasia (PWA), contributing to a higher therapeutic quality, enhancing the linguistic recovery and compensating the impossibility of direct support in more frequent and/ or prolonged intervention.
Stroke is one of the most serious health problems today, with high incidence and considered the most common cause of Portuguese and European mortality and morbility. Aphasia is one of the cognitive sequelae of stroke and can be permanent or temporary. The impact of aphasia and its implications at the personal, family and socioeconomic level underlie the importance of rehabilitation, since it aims to reduce the effects of aphasia and restore linguistic functions. The purpose of this study is to describe the construction process and the evidence of content validity of SCARA, a prototype of a technological system to support language and communication rehabilitation in people with aphasia. The process followed four stages: internal phase of the program's organization, with research in the literature and analysis of the materials available in the Portuguese market; construction of the SCARA prototype; evaluation by experts; and data analysis. To determine the level of agreement between the experts, a Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated. The level of agreement between experts showed the validity of SCARA. This prototype showed to be able to help the work of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) and the person with aphasia (PWA), contributing to a higher therapeutic quality, enhancing the linguistic recovery and compensating the impossibility of direct support in more frequent and/ or prolonged intervention.
Plataforma SCARA Afasia Reabilitação Sistemas de comunicação Sistemas de informação Technological systems Information systems Aphasia rehabilitation Aphasia
Nogueira, Nuno - Um sistema computacional de apoio à reabilitação da afasia [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 90 p.