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A alteração que se tem registado nos últimos anos nos hábitos de vida dos portugueses em geral e dos jovens adolescentes em particular, tem entre outros fatores, gerado alterações nos hábitos e consumos alimentares, verificando-se uma insuficiente ingestão de frutas, vegetais e cereais aliada ao consumo excessivo de alimentos processados, ricos em sal, gorduras saturadas, gordura trans e açúcares, particularmente açúcares refinados e consequente diminuição ou mesmo o abandono da prática da Dieta Mediterrânica, dos seus costumes e hábitos associados bem como a adoção de uma vida mais sedentária. Com a crescente emancipação familiar pela crescente autonomia e aproximação dos seus pares, a influência das redes sociais e influencers, os adolescentes apresentam-se como um grupo vulnerável e com necessidades especiais em
literacia em saúde e em particular em literacia alimentar. São cada vez mais os dados conhecidos e as evidências científicas sobre a influência dos hábitos de vida e alimentação saudável na promoção da saúde e na prevenção das Doenças Crónicas não Transmissíveis, através da adoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis.
O presente estudo exploratório de carácter transversal, teve como principal objetivo caraterizar a literacia alimentar e os hábitos alimentares dos jovens adolescentes que frequentam a Escola Secundária José Saramago, no concelho de Mafra.
A amostra foi constituída por 181 participantes, sendo 114 (63%) alunos do género feminino, 65 (35,9%) do género masculino e dois alunos que não se identificaram com qualquer dos géneros (1,1%). Os participantes tinham idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 21 anos e com média de idades de 16,94 anos.
A recolha de dados foi realizada pelo preenchimento de um questionário online distribuído às turmas pelos Diretores de Turma da Escola. O questionário integrou secções para a caraterização sociodemográfica e antropométrica, frequência de consumo dos principais tipos de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados incluindo o Questionário de Conhecimentos Gerais de Nutrição – Adolescentes (GNKQ_A General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire - Adolescents).
Os resultados revelaram que os alunos participantes não atingiram um conhecimento de 50% para o índice de literacia total (49,4%), com registo de um maior défice a nível das escolhas diárias da alimentação (47,6%) e a nível das fontes de nutrientes (49,8%). Para o item relação dieta e doença, o valor foi de 50%, sendo que a maior percentagem de conhecimento se verificou em relação ao item recomendações dietéticas (60,2%).
Registaram-se também diferenças entre os géneros no que respeita ao consumo de alimentos pré-confecionados, de hambúrgueres, pizzas, peixe, molhos cerveja, bebidas brancas, refrigerantes e fruta enlatada. No que respeita às duas classes de percentil de IMC verificou-se um consumo de peixe mais frequente pelos alunos com excesso ponderal e obesos do que pelos alunos com baixo peso e peso saudável.
Perante os resultados obtidos neste estudo poder-se-á concluir que, de acordo com as indicações de entidades como a Organização Mundial de Saúde e a Direção Geral de Saúde, é necessário aumentar o investimento na educação alimentar junto da população em geral e em especial nas faixas etárias mais
jovens, de forma a contribuir para uma ingestão alimentar consciente, informada e certa no que à escolha de alimentos saudáveis diz respeito, uma vez que podem contribuir para a diminuição da prevalência das doenças crónicas não transmissíveis na idade adulta.
The change that has taken place in recent years in the life habits of the Portuguese in general and of young adolescents in particular has, among other factors, generated changes in food habits and consumption, namely the adoption of a diet with insufficient intake of fruits, vegetables and cereals combined with an excessive consumption of processed foods, rich in salt, saturated fats, transfats and sugars, particularly refined sugars. As result, there is a decrease or even abandonment of the practice of the Mediterranean Diet, as its associated customs and habits as the adoption of a more sedentary life. With the growing family emancipation due to the growing autonomy and approximation of their peers and influence of social networks and influencers, adolescents present themselves as a vulnerable group with special needs in health literacy and in particular in food literacy. There is an increasing amount of known data and scientific evidence on the influence of healthy lifestyle and eating habits in promoting health and preventing Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, through the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. The main objective of this exploratory cross-sectional study was to characterize the food literacy and eating habits of young adolescents who attend Escola Secundária José Saramago, Mafra. The sample consisted of 181 participants, 114 females (63%), 65 males (35.9%) and two students who did not identify with neither gender (1.1%). The ages were between 15 and 21 years with a mean age of 16.94±sd1,233. Participants completed an online questionnaire distributed to classes by the School Class Directors. The questionnaire included sociodemographic and anthropometric characterization, main types of processed and ultra-processed foods, the General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire-Adolescents (GNKQ-A). The results revealed that the participating students did not reach a knowledge of 50% for the total literacy index (49.4%) and that there was a greater deficit in terms of daily food choices (47.6%) as well in terms of nutrient sources (49.8%). For the item diet-disease relationship, the value was 50%, with the highest percentage of knowledge being verified in relation to the item dietary recommendations (60.2%). There were also differences between genders in terms of consumption of preprepared foods, hamburgers, pizzas, fish, beer sauces, white drinks, soft drinks and canned fruit. Regarding the two BMI percentile classes, there was a more frequent consumption of fish by overweight and obese students than by students with low weight and healthy weight. Conclusions: In view of the results obtained in this study and in accordance with the indications of entities such as the World Health Organization and the General Directorate of Health, it is necessary to increase investment in food education among the population in general and especially in the younger age groups, in order to contribute to a conscious, informed and correct food intake with regard to healthy foods, since they can contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood.
The change that has taken place in recent years in the life habits of the Portuguese in general and of young adolescents in particular has, among other factors, generated changes in food habits and consumption, namely the adoption of a diet with insufficient intake of fruits, vegetables and cereals combined with an excessive consumption of processed foods, rich in salt, saturated fats, transfats and sugars, particularly refined sugars. As result, there is a decrease or even abandonment of the practice of the Mediterranean Diet, as its associated customs and habits as the adoption of a more sedentary life. With the growing family emancipation due to the growing autonomy and approximation of their peers and influence of social networks and influencers, adolescents present themselves as a vulnerable group with special needs in health literacy and in particular in food literacy. There is an increasing amount of known data and scientific evidence on the influence of healthy lifestyle and eating habits in promoting health and preventing Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, through the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. The main objective of this exploratory cross-sectional study was to characterize the food literacy and eating habits of young adolescents who attend Escola Secundária José Saramago, Mafra. The sample consisted of 181 participants, 114 females (63%), 65 males (35.9%) and two students who did not identify with neither gender (1.1%). The ages were between 15 and 21 years with a mean age of 16.94±sd1,233. Participants completed an online questionnaire distributed to classes by the School Class Directors. The questionnaire included sociodemographic and anthropometric characterization, main types of processed and ultra-processed foods, the General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire-Adolescents (GNKQ-A). The results revealed that the participating students did not reach a knowledge of 50% for the total literacy index (49.4%) and that there was a greater deficit in terms of daily food choices (47.6%) as well in terms of nutrient sources (49.8%). For the item diet-disease relationship, the value was 50%, with the highest percentage of knowledge being verified in relation to the item dietary recommendations (60.2%). There were also differences between genders in terms of consumption of preprepared foods, hamburgers, pizzas, fish, beer sauces, white drinks, soft drinks and canned fruit. Regarding the two BMI percentile classes, there was a more frequent consumption of fish by overweight and obese students than by students with low weight and healthy weight. Conclusions: In view of the results obtained in this study and in accordance with the indications of entities such as the World Health Organization and the General Directorate of Health, it is necessary to increase investment in food education among the population in general and especially in the younger age groups, in order to contribute to a conscious, informed and correct food intake with regard to healthy foods, since they can contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood.
Adolescência Literacia alimentar e nutricional Alimentação saudável GNKQ_A (General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire_ Adolescents) Adolescence Food and nutrition literacy Healthy eating GNKQ-A
Almeida, Eunice Andrea Pedro de - Literacia alimentar e nutricional numa população de consumidores jovens de uma escola secundária do concelho de Mafra [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 103 p.