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Há alguns anos que as doenças cardiovasculares lideram o ranking das doenças que mais pessoas matam no mundo. Este conjunto de doenças sempre teve maiores prevalências nos países desenvolvidos, enquanto os países não desenvolvidos sempre estiveram associados a maiores prevalências de doenças transmissíveis, como a malária, o HIV ou a tuberculose. Apostando em estratégias de prevenção e controlo, os países desenvolvidos têm conseguido baixar a sua prevalência, mas os países desenvolvidos carregam atualmente um duplo fardo, pois têm grandes prevalências dos dois tipos de doenças, criando um fosso ainda maior entre alguns países.
A luta contra estas doenças não é fácil, pois o seu desenvolvimento é silencioso e quando se manifestam são, geralmente, fatais. Quando não são fatais, acarretam a um encargo bastante pesado tanto para as famílias como para o sistema de saúde, que no caso dos países não desenvolvidos são, ainda, bastante frágeis. É, por isso, mais do que evidente que a melhor estratégia é a prevenção, controlando os fatores de risco, conhecendo as suas prevalências e a forma como interagem entre si e criando modelos preditivos de análise de risco. Tendo em conta o carater multifatorial destas doenças a estatística multivariada tem-se revelado fundamental, devido a técnicas como as da modelação estatística.
Em Angola, pouco se sabe sobre as doenças cardiovasculares, além de que as suas prevalências já estão bastante elevadas. Nesta dissertação foi estudado o perfil cardiovascular de 600 benguelenses, de acordo com variáveis sociais, antropométricas, clínicas e de estilos de vida, recorrendo a técnicas univariadas, bivariadas e multivariadas. Os modelos de regressão logística estereótipos foram bastante úteis, tendo em conta o carater ordinal da variável resposta (risco cardiovascular). Com este trabalho pretendeu-se chamar a atenção para as doenças cardiovasculares em Angola e para a gravidade da sua prevalência, bem como conseguir identificar os principais grupos de risco, de forma a serem tomadas medidas que reduzam a exposição aos fatores de risco e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento dessas doenças.
For several years that cardiovascular diseases lead the ranking of the diseases that kill the most people in the world. This group of diseases has always had the highest prevalence in developed countries, while the non-developed countries had always been associated with higher prevalence of communicable diseases such as malaria, HIV or tuberculosis. Betting on strategies for prevention and control, developed countries have managed to decreased its prevalence, but, currently developed countries carry a double burden because they have large prevalence of both types of this diseases, creating an even bigger gap between some countries. The fight against these diseases is not easy, as its development is quiet and when they occur, they are usually fatal. When they’re not fatal, carry a very heavy weight on both families and the health system, which in the case of undeveloped countries are still quite fragile. It is therefore abundantly clear that the best strategy is prevention by controlling risk factors, knowing their prevalences and how they interact with each other and creating predictive models for risk analysis. Given the multifactorial nature of these diseases multivariate statistic has proved crucial, due to techniques such as statistical modelling. In Angola, little is known about cardiovascular diseases, and that their prevalence rates are already quite high. In this dissertation the cardiovascular profile of 600 Benguela residents, according to social, anthropometric , clinical and lifestyle variables was studied using univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques. The stereotype logistic models were very useful, taking into account the ordinal character of the response variables (cardiovascular risk). With this dissertation is intended to draw attention to cardiovascular disease in Angola and the severity of its prevalence, be able to identify the main risk groups, in a way that measures can be taken to reduce exposure to risk factors and consequently, the development of these diseases.
For several years that cardiovascular diseases lead the ranking of the diseases that kill the most people in the world. This group of diseases has always had the highest prevalence in developed countries, while the non-developed countries had always been associated with higher prevalence of communicable diseases such as malaria, HIV or tuberculosis. Betting on strategies for prevention and control, developed countries have managed to decreased its prevalence, but, currently developed countries carry a double burden because they have large prevalence of both types of this diseases, creating an even bigger gap between some countries. The fight against these diseases is not easy, as its development is quiet and when they occur, they are usually fatal. When they’re not fatal, carry a very heavy weight on both families and the health system, which in the case of undeveloped countries are still quite fragile. It is therefore abundantly clear that the best strategy is prevention by controlling risk factors, knowing their prevalences and how they interact with each other and creating predictive models for risk analysis. Given the multifactorial nature of these diseases multivariate statistic has proved crucial, due to techniques such as statistical modelling. In Angola, little is known about cardiovascular diseases, and that their prevalence rates are already quite high. In this dissertation the cardiovascular profile of 600 Benguela residents, according to social, anthropometric , clinical and lifestyle variables was studied using univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques. The stereotype logistic models were very useful, taking into account the ordinal character of the response variables (cardiovascular risk). With this dissertation is intended to draw attention to cardiovascular disease in Angola and the severity of its prevalence, be able to identify the main risk groups, in a way that measures can be taken to reduce exposure to risk factors and consequently, the development of these diseases.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Bioestística e Biometria apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Doenças cardiovasculares Fatores de risco Estereótipo Análise de situação Indicadores Países menos desenvolvidos Risk analysis Stereotype model Cardiovascular diseases Risk factors Angola
Cunha, Ana Isabel Ramos Gonçalves - Modelação estatística [Em linha] : estudo do perfil cardiovascular de adultos assintomáticos, da cidade de Benguela. Lisboa : [s.n.], 2014. 262 p.