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A Educação Ambiental, a nível dos primeiros anos do Ensino Básico, poderá desempenhar um papel significativo na formação dos estudantes não só em termos de conservação do ambiente como também influenciando significativamente no sentido de que os jovens que a frequentam se tornem cidadãos interventivos nas questões sociais,permitindo novas formas de vivência social, mais solidárias.
Este estudo coloca três questões a partir das quais se pretende compreender, se projectos ambientais realizados no âmbito das reservas naturais poderão contribuir para formar crianças e jovens numa perspectiva de cidadania ambiental. Com esse objectivo foi analisado o trabalho desenvolvido por duas turmas que participaram no projecto “Quinta da Educação e Ambiente “, durante o ano lectivo de 2008/2009.
Em termos metodológicos optou-se por um estudo de caso, socorrendo-nos a nível de
recolha de dados às técnicas da observação participante e da entrevista semi-estruturada.
Procurou-se identificar as representações que alunos, professores e técnicos ambientais
tinham sobre as actividades realizadas e as dificuldades encontradas, assim como a
percepção destes sobre a evolução do conhecimento, atitudes, valores e comportamentos ambientais dos alunos. Os dados obtidos nas entrevistas foram objecto de análise de conteúdo.
Os resultados revelaram que o projecto “Quinta da Educação e Ambiente” teve um papel dinamizador importante contribuindo para que estes alunos tenham alterado alguns dos seus comportamentos ambientais, traduzindo-se na sua participação em clubes de ambiente, nomeadamente numa fase posterior do seu trajecto escolar. Deste modo poder-se-á considerar como um estímulo para que se venham a tornar cidadãos mais críticos e interventivos na sociedade.
Environmental Education during the first years of Basic School can play an important role in the building up of the pupils, not only in what concerns the conservation of the environment but also in what concerns the great influence it may have in turning youngsters into active citizens that get involved in social issues, allowing new and integrated forms of social living. This study sets three questions that lead us in the investigation whether environmental projects developed in natural reservations contribute to the education and integration of children and youngsters within a frame of environmental citizenship. The work developed by two classes participating in the project called ‘Quinta da Educação e Ambiente’ (Education and Environment Farm) during the academic year 2008/2009 was analysed to achieve an answer to the issue. The methodology used was case study, based on collecting data after participating observation and semi-structured interview. We tried to identify the representations that pupils, teachers and environmental technicians had on the activities developed and the difficulties found, as well as their perception of the evolution their knowledge, attitudes, values and environmental behaviour had. Collected data during the interviews were deeply analysed. The results revealed that the Project ‘Quinta da Educação e Ambiente’ (Education and Environment Farm) had an important impelling role among the pupils leading them to change their environmental behaviour, as it was the example of their participation in environmental clubs after school time. Therefore, we can consider the project was a stimulus so that in the future they will become critical and socially active citizens.
Environmental Education during the first years of Basic School can play an important role in the building up of the pupils, not only in what concerns the conservation of the environment but also in what concerns the great influence it may have in turning youngsters into active citizens that get involved in social issues, allowing new and integrated forms of social living. This study sets three questions that lead us in the investigation whether environmental projects developed in natural reservations contribute to the education and integration of children and youngsters within a frame of environmental citizenship. The work developed by two classes participating in the project called ‘Quinta da Educação e Ambiente’ (Education and Environment Farm) during the academic year 2008/2009 was analysed to achieve an answer to the issue. The methodology used was case study, based on collecting data after participating observation and semi-structured interview. We tried to identify the representations that pupils, teachers and environmental technicians had on the activities developed and the difficulties found, as well as their perception of the evolution their knowledge, attitudes, values and environmental behaviour had. Collected data during the interviews were deeply analysed. The results revealed that the Project ‘Quinta da Educação e Ambiente’ (Education and Environment Farm) had an important impelling role among the pupils leading them to change their environmental behaviour, as it was the example of their participation in environmental clubs after school time. Therefore, we can consider the project was a stimulus so that in the future they will become critical and socially active citizens.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Educação ambiental Qualidade do ambiente Papel da escola Desenvolvimento sustentado Promoção Ensino básico 1º ciclo Estudo de casos Environmental citizenship Environmental activities Natural reservation
Diniz, Ilídio dos Santos - Educação ambiental e cidadania [Em linha] : a escola na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável : um estudo de caso no 1º Ciclo. [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 2009. 236 p.