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Atualmente, vários investigadores sobre o ensino das ciências defendem a valorização
deste ensino através do recurso à História da Ciência e à sua Epistemologia, valorização
essa que passa pelo desenvolvimento do espírito científico, das competências e das
atitudes construtivas dos alunos que esse recurso poderá proporcionar e que são
indispensáveis na educação de jovens que se deseja estejam aptos a desempenhar um
papel importante no progresso da sociedade.
A presente investigação desenrolou-se no sentido de dar resposta à seguinte questão:
“Em que medida o recurso à História da Ciência pode melhorar o processo
ensino/aprendizagem da Química e a imagem que os alunos têm desta Ciência?”
Na concretização de tal objetivo pesquisou-se o efeito da utilização em sala de aula, num
ambiente construtivista de aprendizagem, de uma estratégia de ensino/aprendizagem de
uma área da Química (Tabela Periódica), recorrendo a materiais curriculares que
permitiram a introdução de aspetos históricos. O “Vê” heurístico ou “Vê” epistemológico
– um instrumento coerente com a visão construtivista da natureza do conhecimento –
esteve na base da conceção do presente estudo. Descreveu-se, sumariamente, alguns
contributos da Epistemologia e da Psicologia Educacional para o campo da educação em
ciência. Na recolha de dados optou-se por um método predominantemente qualitativo e
de orientação interpretativa. Como instrumentos de pesquisa, concebidos de forma a
permitirem obter respostas o mais representativas possível de molde a cumprir o objetivo
do estudo, foi aplicado um questionário em dois momentos diferentes (antes e depois do
estudo), realizada uma visita de estudo, feitos registos de observação, fichas de trabalho
e um teste final. A apreciação das respostas ao questionário permitiu concluir que uma
percentagem significativa de alunos tinha modificado a visão dogmática que possuíam acerca da
Ciência. Os resultados do teste final evidenciaram uma boa aprendizagem por parte dos alunos
daquele tema.
A transformação de registos e a análise dos resultados permitiu formular alguns juízos
cognitivos dos quais os mais preponderantes são: a) a História da Ciência é um
importante recurso didático que permite aos alunos entender como se constrói o
conhecimento científico, evitando que tenham da Ciência uma visão dogmática; b) a
História da Ciência proporciona um melhor encadeamento entre os conhecimentos e
ajuda os alunos a entender o significado dos conceitos, uma vez que tomam consciência
das dificuldades encontradas na sua construção; c) para que os estudantes construam, de
forma significativa, modelos conceptuais cientificamente corretos contribuem
actividades que ofereçam ao aluno a oportunidade de explorar, criticar e refletir sobre o
seu próprio funcionamento cognitivo e sobre os processos que utiliza para aprender e
ajuizá-los criticamente.
Pode-se sintetizar os juízos cognitivos formulados, afirmando que o recurso à História da
Ciência contribuiu para uma mudança na imagem que os alunos tinham da Ciência e que
uma estratégia baseada na História da Ciência proporcionou uma boa aprendizagem.
Foram também enunciados alguns juízos de valor fundamentados na investigação.
Nowadays, several researchers in the field of science teaching have pushed towards valuing this branch of teaching through History of Science and its Epistemology. Such valuing is also connected to the development of a scientific spirit, of competences, and the constructive attitudes this resource might provide, which are core for the education of young people who, desirably, will be fit to take a major role in the progress of society. The following research was undertaken as a way to answer the question: “In what way might resorting to the History of Science improve the teaching/learning process and the view students have of this Science?” To reach this goal, a teaching/learning strategy in the field of Chemistry (the Periodic Table) was studied, using a constructivist learning environment in the classroom. This method made it possible to introduce historical features through the curricular materials in use. The heuristic or epistemological V – an instrument coherent with the constructive view of the nature of knowledge – was the basis of this study conception. A few contributions of Epistemology and Educational Psychology in the field of education in science were briefly described. In data collection, a predominantly qualitative and interpretative orientation method was taken. As research instruments, developed in a way which would allow for the most representative possible answers to be obtained in line with the project’s objective, a questionnaire was applied in two different moments (before and after the study), a field trip was taken, observation records registered, worksheets assigned and a final test submitted. The appreciation of the answers to the questionnaires led to conclude that a significant percentage of the students had changed their dogmatic view on Science. The results of the final test also display a good learning of the subject. The transformation of records and result analysis made it possible to formulate some cognitive judgements, from which the most important are: a) History of Science is an important didactic resource which allows students to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed, thus avoiding a dogmatic view of Science; b) the History of Science provides a better way of understanding how the building blocks of knowledge fit together and helps students understand the meaning of different concepts, since they become aware of the difficulties in their build-up; c) for students to be able to build scientifically accurate conceptual models in a significant manner, a great contribution can be made by the way of activities offering them a chance to explore, criticize and reflect on their own cognitive functioning and on the processes they use to learn. One can summarize the formulated cognitive judgements by stating that the resort to History of Science contributed to a change in how students regarded Science, and that a strategy based on the History of Science has led to a good learning process. Some value judgements fundamented by the research were also cited.
Nowadays, several researchers in the field of science teaching have pushed towards valuing this branch of teaching through History of Science and its Epistemology. Such valuing is also connected to the development of a scientific spirit, of competences, and the constructive attitudes this resource might provide, which are core for the education of young people who, desirably, will be fit to take a major role in the progress of society. The following research was undertaken as a way to answer the question: “In what way might resorting to the History of Science improve the teaching/learning process and the view students have of this Science?” To reach this goal, a teaching/learning strategy in the field of Chemistry (the Periodic Table) was studied, using a constructivist learning environment in the classroom. This method made it possible to introduce historical features through the curricular materials in use. The heuristic or epistemological V – an instrument coherent with the constructive view of the nature of knowledge – was the basis of this study conception. A few contributions of Epistemology and Educational Psychology in the field of education in science were briefly described. In data collection, a predominantly qualitative and interpretative orientation method was taken. As research instruments, developed in a way which would allow for the most representative possible answers to be obtained in line with the project’s objective, a questionnaire was applied in two different moments (before and after the study), a field trip was taken, observation records registered, worksheets assigned and a final test submitted. The appreciation of the answers to the questionnaires led to conclude that a significant percentage of the students had changed their dogmatic view on Science. The results of the final test also display a good learning of the subject. The transformation of records and result analysis made it possible to formulate some cognitive judgements, from which the most important are: a) History of Science is an important didactic resource which allows students to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed, thus avoiding a dogmatic view of Science; b) the History of Science provides a better way of understanding how the building blocks of knowledge fit together and helps students understand the meaning of different concepts, since they become aware of the difficulties in their build-up; c) for students to be able to build scientifically accurate conceptual models in a significant manner, a great contribution can be made by the way of activities offering them a chance to explore, criticize and reflect on their own cognitive functioning and on the processes they use to learn. One can summarize the formulated cognitive judgements by stating that the resort to History of Science contributed to a change in how students regarded Science, and that a strategy based on the History of Science has led to a good learning process. Some value judgements fundamented by the research were also cited.
Ensino da química História da ciência Epistemologia Construtivismo Tabela periódica Science history Constructivism Periodic table Four common places of education
Gouveia, Vera Maria Branco de Melo - A história e a epistemologia da ciência e da aprendizagem da química [Em linha] : uma estratégia enquadrada num ambiente construtivista de sala de aula. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2016. 287 p.