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Pensar género e desporto e trazer estas duas realidades para um estudo de caso sobre a modalidade de Futebol Feminino é atual, sabemos, mas nem por isso menos pertinente, já que a Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos das Mulheres: Género, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento se nos tem apresentado como um constante desafio. A este estudo não é alheia a história de vida da autora que viveu, na década de oitenta do século XX, um percurso no Futebol Feminino, precisamente no Club Sport Marítimo que, naquela altura, iniciava a aposta na modalidade. Neste estudo de caso, procurámos apurar os problemas de uma instituição largamente genderizada, alicerçando-nos numa intensa pesquisa empírica, nomeadamente conversas informais, entrevistas de profundidade e inquéritos aos atuais e antigos atores no terreno. Foi, igualmente nossa intenção trazer os(as) teórico(a)s à discussão de um tema transversal como a equidade de género e as problemáticas que consigo transporta, mesmo tratando-se do seio de uma modalidade desportiva, centrando-nos num universo insular de um dos clubes presente na Liga BPI (primeira Liga) do campeonato português que tem, em 2023, duas atletas na Seleção A portuguesa. Este trabalho permitiu-nos comparar realidades desportivas e sociais, com uma distância de quatro décadas entre elas, e acreditar que, no século XXI, a aposta feita pela Federação Portuguesa de Futebol ajudará os clubes a impulsionar a formação, o desenvolvimento e a profissionalização das atletas de Futebol Feminino, haja vontade política e investimento financeiro.
Thinking about gender and sport and bringing these two realities to a case study on Women's Football is current, we know, but no less relevant, since the Master's Dissertation in Women's Studies: Gender, Citizenship and Development has presented us with a constant challenge. This study is not unrelated to the life story of the author who lived, in the eighties of the twentieth century, a journey in Women's Football, precisely in Club Sport Marítimo, which, at that time, began to bet on the sport. In this case study, we sought to ascertain the problems of a largely genderized institution, based on intense empirical research, namely informal conversations, in-depth interviews, and surveys of current and former actors in the field. It was also our intention to bring the theorists to the discussion of a transversal theme such as gender equity and the problems it carries with it, even when it is within a sport, focusing on an insular universe of one of the clubs present in the BPI League (first league) of the Portuguese championship that has, in 2023, two athletes in the Portuguese National Team. This work allowed us to compare sports and social realities, four decades apart, and to believe that, in the 21st century, the bet made by the Portuguese Football Federation will help clubs to boost the training, development and professionalization of female football athletes if there is political will and financial investment.
Thinking about gender and sport and bringing these two realities to a case study on Women's Football is current, we know, but no less relevant, since the Master's Dissertation in Women's Studies: Gender, Citizenship and Development has presented us with a constant challenge. This study is not unrelated to the life story of the author who lived, in the eighties of the twentieth century, a journey in Women's Football, precisely in Club Sport Marítimo, which, at that time, began to bet on the sport. In this case study, we sought to ascertain the problems of a largely genderized institution, based on intense empirical research, namely informal conversations, in-depth interviews, and surveys of current and former actors in the field. It was also our intention to bring the theorists to the discussion of a transversal theme such as gender equity and the problems it carries with it, even when it is within a sport, focusing on an insular universe of one of the clubs present in the BPI League (first league) of the Portuguese championship that has, in 2023, two athletes in the Portuguese National Team. This work allowed us to compare sports and social realities, four decades apart, and to believe that, in the 21st century, the bet made by the Portuguese Football Federation will help clubs to boost the training, development and professionalization of female football athletes if there is political will and financial investment.
Futebol feminino Género Desporto Insularidade Visibilidade Women's football Gender Sport Insularity Visibility
Gonçalves, Ana Balbina Camacho - Género e Desporto: o caso do futebol feminino no Club Sport Marítimo (1980-2023) [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 103 p.