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As mudanças climáticas, a escassez de água potável, a perda de biodiversidade, a
ação moduladora do Homem sobre a paisagem, a necessidade de conservação dos
ecossistemas, a iliteracia, entre outros, constituem indícios de que o ambiente continua
frágil, apesar de nas últimas décadas, os esforços da educação, em geral, e da Educação
Ambiental (EA) e de outras temáticas transversais, em particular. A comunidade
internacional tentou, entretanto, ir apontando soluções de se enfrentarem esses desafios,
como por exemplo a Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS). A presente
dissertação visa responder à necessidade de levantamento das conceções em Literacia
em Biodiversidade, LB, dos discentes e dos docentes de uma escola secundária no grande
Porto com recurso a um inquérito por questionário escrito, e uma entrevista, aos docentes,
que constituirá́ a base metodológica, aferindo, assim, a viabilidade da sua implementação.
Através destes instrumentos, procurar-se-á conhecer os conhecimentos prévios dos
discentes e docentes, no que concerne à sua Literacia em Biodiversidade. A análise dos
dados dos questionários foi realizada sob a metodologia quantitativa, optando-se pelo
estudo descritivo, correlacional e comparativo, por forma a responder aos objetivos
estabelecidos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que embora os docentes e discentes
conheçam alguns dos conceitos, existe algum desconhecimento global sobre algumas das
temáticas em estudo. Com os resultados obtidos com os alunos de 10 º ano de Ciências e
Tecnologias, após a atividade outdoor, podemos sumarizar dizendo que as atividades são
benéficas pois melhoram e estimulam as aprendizagens efetuadas em matéria de LB,
fazem com que a aquisição dos conteúdos estudados ocorra de modo significativo, na
maioria dos casos, e também ao nível das competências atitudinais, em suma melhoram a
LB. Os resultados são o reflexo das estratégias usadas para a lecionação dos temas, do
meio em que a escola se insere, dos modos de vida dos alunos e da importância que estes
atribuem à cultura ao ambiente e, particularmente, à Biodiversidade. O incremento da
Literacia em Biodiversidade, dos alunos possibilita cidadãos capazes de tomarem decisões
informadas e responsáveis, que compreendam as inter-relações entre as ciências, a
tecnologia, a sociedade e o ambiente, necessária para o futuro sustentável da Terra. Os
docentes reconhecem a importância destas temáticas, apresentam uma visão clara do
papel da educação em prol da sustentabilidade, com enfoque na Literacia em
Biodiversidade, mas prevalecem questões de ordem temporal, programática e outras que
condicionam a implementação destas competências em determinadas áreas disciplinares.
Face a este contexto, terão que existir mudanças significativas nos programas das
diferentes disciplinas, nas estratégias utilizadas, formação específica nestas áreas do
saber, para os levar a refletir e incutir nos estudantes um espírito crítico sobre os saberes
e sobre o seu lugar na sociedade e o futuro que estão a construir, que terá que ser
necessariamente sustentável.
Climate change, the scarcity of potable water, the loss of biodiversity, the modulating action of man on the landscape, the need to conserve ecosystems, illiteracy, among others, are signs that the environment remains fragile even tough in the last recent decades, the efforts of education in general and of environmental education (EA) and other cross-cutting themes, in particular. The international community has tried to come up with solutions to meet these challenges, such as Education for Development Sustainable Development (EDS). The present dissertation aims to respond to the need to survey the conceptions in Biodiversity Literacy, LB, of teachers and students of a secondary school in the great Oporto with an inquiry by written questionnaire, and an interview to the teachers that will constitute the base methodology, thus assessing the viability of their implementation. Through these instruments, it will be sought to identify the previous knowledge of the students and teachers, regarding their Literacy in Biodiversity.The analysis of the questionnaire data was performed under the quantitative methodology, opting for a descriptive, correlational and comparative study, in order to respond to the established objectives. The results suggest that although teachers and students know some of the concepts, there is some lack of global knowledge about the subjects under study. With the results obtained with the 10th year students of Science and Technology, after the outdoor activity, we can summarize saying that the activities are beneficial because they improve and stimulate the learning made in LB matters, making the acquisition of the studied contents occur significantly, in most cases, and also in terms of attitudinal skills, in short they improve the BL. The results are a reflection of the strategies used to teach the themes, the environment in which the school is inserted, the students' ways of life and the importance they attach to the culture, to the environment and, particularly, to Biodiversity. The increase in Literacy in Biodiversity, of students, enables citizens capable of making informed and responsible decisions, which understand the interrelationships between science, technology, society and the environment, necessary for the sustainable future of the Earth. Teachers recognize the importance of these themes, present a clear vision of the role of education in favor of sustainability, but there are temporal, programmatic and other issues that condition the implementation of these competences in certain disciplinary areas. Regarding this background, significant changes will have to be made in the syllabus of the different subjects, in the strategies used, specific training in these areas of knowledge, to make them reflect and instill in students a critical spirit about knowledge and their place in society and the future they are building, which will necessarily have to be sustainable.
Climate change, the scarcity of potable water, the loss of biodiversity, the modulating action of man on the landscape, the need to conserve ecosystems, illiteracy, among others, are signs that the environment remains fragile even tough in the last recent decades, the efforts of education in general and of environmental education (EA) and other cross-cutting themes, in particular. The international community has tried to come up with solutions to meet these challenges, such as Education for Development Sustainable Development (EDS). The present dissertation aims to respond to the need to survey the conceptions in Biodiversity Literacy, LB, of teachers and students of a secondary school in the great Oporto with an inquiry by written questionnaire, and an interview to the teachers that will constitute the base methodology, thus assessing the viability of their implementation. Through these instruments, it will be sought to identify the previous knowledge of the students and teachers, regarding their Literacy in Biodiversity.The analysis of the questionnaire data was performed under the quantitative methodology, opting for a descriptive, correlational and comparative study, in order to respond to the established objectives. The results suggest that although teachers and students know some of the concepts, there is some lack of global knowledge about the subjects under study. With the results obtained with the 10th year students of Science and Technology, after the outdoor activity, we can summarize saying that the activities are beneficial because they improve and stimulate the learning made in LB matters, making the acquisition of the studied contents occur significantly, in most cases, and also in terms of attitudinal skills, in short they improve the BL. The results are a reflection of the strategies used to teach the themes, the environment in which the school is inserted, the students' ways of life and the importance they attach to the culture, to the environment and, particularly, to Biodiversity. The increase in Literacy in Biodiversity, of students, enables citizens capable of making informed and responsible decisions, which understand the interrelationships between science, technology, society and the environment, necessary for the sustainable future of the Earth. Teachers recognize the importance of these themes, present a clear vision of the role of education in favor of sustainability, but there are temporal, programmatic and other issues that condition the implementation of these competences in certain disciplinary areas. Regarding this background, significant changes will have to be made in the syllabus of the different subjects, in the strategies used, specific training in these areas of knowledge, to make them reflect and instill in students a critical spirit about knowledge and their place in society and the future they are building, which will necessarily have to be sustainable.
Biodiversidade Serviços de ecossistemas Biologia da Conservação Ecologia da Paisagem Conceções Educação Literacia Ambiente Biodiversity Ecosystem services Conceptions Conservation biology Landscape ecology Education Literacy Environment
Silva, Rosa Estela Tomás Coelho da - Biodiversidade, serviços de ecossistema, ecologia da paisagem e biologia da conservação: transposição didática e conceções do corpo docente e discente [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 395 p.