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A disciplina de lógica de programação aborda conceitos fundamentais para formação acadêmica de profissionais que atuarão na área da Computação e áreas afins. Contudo, no processo de aprendizagem, muitos alunos enfrentam dificuldades em desenvolver o raciocínio lógico e abstrair respostas para a construção de soluções computacionais de problemas propostos. Neste contexto, a utilização de jogos digitais para promover o ensino de programação mostra-se como uma estratégia eficiente na busca por minimizar essas dificuldades. Assim, este artigo apresenta o jogo Show da Programação, que visa facilitar a aprendizagem dos conceitos de lógica de programação utilizando a linguagem Python. Para a criação, seguiu-se o processo de desenvolvimento ENgAGED, e, na implementação, utilizou-se a plataforma Unity, engine robusta para o desenvolvimento de games. O jogo desenvolvido foi avaliado por alunos iniciantes em programação, do curso Técnico em Informática, de uma instituição de ensino pública, por meio do modelo avaliativo MEEGA+. Os resultados indicaram que o jogo teve uma boa aceitação pelos alunos e que possui potencial para facilitar o aprendizado de lógica de programação de maneira divertida e interativa.
The discipline of programming logic addresses fundamental concepts for the academic training of professionals who will work in the area of Computing and related areas. However, in the learning process, many students face difficulties in developing logical reasoning and abstracting answers for the construction of computational solutions to proposed problems. In this context, the use of digital games to promote the teaching of programming is shown to be an efficient strategy in the search to minimize these difficulties. hus, this article presents the Programming Show game, which aims to facilitate the learning of programming logic concepts using the Python language. For the creation, the ENgAGED development process was followed, and, in the implementation, the Unity platform was used, a robust engine for game development. The game developed was evaluated by students starting in programming, from the Computer Technician course, from a public educational institution, through the MEEGA+ evaluation model. The results indicated that the game had a good acceptance by the students and that it has the potential to facilitate the learning of programming logic in a fun and interactive way.
The discipline of programming logic addresses fundamental concepts for the academic training of professionals who will work in the area of Computing and related areas. However, in the learning process, many students face difficulties in developing logical reasoning and abstracting answers for the construction of computational solutions to proposed problems. In this context, the use of digital games to promote the teaching of programming is shown to be an efficient strategy in the search to minimize these difficulties. hus, this article presents the Programming Show game, which aims to facilitate the learning of programming logic concepts using the Python language. For the creation, the ENgAGED development process was followed, and, in the implementation, the Unity platform was used, a robust engine for game development. The game developed was evaluated by students starting in programming, from the Computer Technician course, from a public educational institution, through the MEEGA+ evaluation model. The results indicated that the game had a good acceptance by the students and that it has the potential to facilitate the learning of programming logic in a fun and interactive way.
Lógica de programação Jogo educacional digital Python Ensino e aprendizagem Programming logic Digital educational game Teaching and learning
Universidade Aberta. LE@D