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Calculating the stereo pairs of a Mirror-Based Augmented Reality System

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This paper describes a solution for the calculation of the correct stereo pairs of a Mirror-Based Augmented Reality System (MBARS). To achieve augmentation half-silvered mirrors are applied due to their dual reflection characteristic that allow simultaneous seeing-through of real objects and the viewing of reflected virtual ones. This way it is possible to merge virtual content reflected by the mirror with real objects that the user can see through it. The virtual content can be either generated by a monitor or a projector. In this paper we will only refer to the monitorbased systems. These systems are view dependent, meaning that depending upon the viewer’s position the reflected images have to be recomputed. This is why a Head-Tracking System is needed to supply the current viewer’s position. Also we need to consider the main system components and there location, to correctly compute the stereo pairs. Furthermore we present how the result of the mathematical calculations can be used in combination with commands of the OpenGL API to achieve the desired transformations and to allow interactivity.


13º Encontro Portuguûes de Computação Gráfica, Vila Real, 12-14 de Outubro de 2005


Augmented reality Mirror-Based Display Systems Stereo pairs


Marreiros, Filipe; Marcos, Adérito - Calculating the stereo pairs of a Mirror-Based Augmented Reality System. In Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, 13, Vila Real, 2005 - "Actas do 13º Encontro...". Editado por Adriano Lopes. Vila Real: Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica, 2005. ISBN 972-98464-6-4. p. 41-48

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