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No atual quadro de alterações demográficas várias entidades preconizam o
envelhecimento ativo, enquanto estratégia mitigadora de impactos multidimensionais
e como garantia de resposta, sobretudo, a três grandes desafios: à magnitude do
envelhecimento demográfico, à complexidade da sua heterogeneidade, e à urgência da
mobilização de respostas integradas e qualificadas. No quadro do desenvolvimento
massivo e acelerado da mobilidade digital, verifica-se significativas alterações no modo
como pensamos, agimos e vivemos, ocupando um espaço cada vez mais quotidiano
entre as pessoas idosas, coexistindo evidentes impactos socioculturais, educativos e
económicos. O objetivo desta investigação é compreender de que modo a
aprendizagem ao longo da vida através do modelo pedagógico b-learning, pode
contribuir para a promoção do envelhecimento ativo. Foram avaliados impactos em
alunos das Universidades Seniores da Região Autónoma dos Açores, que participaram
no curso ALV B’SÉNIOR. Metodologicamente, optamos pelo estudo de caso,
combinando várias fontes de dados, com recurso à entrevista semiestruturada,
observação participante, inquérito por questionário e inquérito de satisfação. Os
resultados demonstram que o curso, ALV B’SÉNIOR, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento
intrapessoal, potenciou competências pessoais e digitais, promoveu multiliteracias e
favoreceu múltiplas estratégias de autopromoção de envelhecimento ativo, conferindo
uma potencial via inovadora de sustentabilidade social. O cenário de aprendizagem em
ambiente presencial foi o que reuniu maiores níveis de satisfação, quando comparado
com o ambiente a distância (e-learning). Destacam-se potencialidades da integração de
alunos séniores em processos de aprendizagem em ambientes híbridos, constituindo
um importante preditor de envelhecimento ativo. Emerge assim, a necessidade da
mobilização de entidades públicas e privadas na implementação de medidas integradas
e sustentáveis, que promovam a coconstrução de uma sociedade mais plural, solidária
e inclusiva.
In the actual scenario of demographic changes, different entities advocate active aging as a multidimensional impacts mitigating strategy and as a guaranteed answer, above all, to three big challenges: the magnitude of demographic aging, to the complexity of its heterogeneity, and the urgency of mobilizing integrated and qualified responses. The digital mobility´s massive and accelerated development has led to significant changes in how we think, act and live, and it´s occupying more and more the everyday space between the elderly, coexisting evident sociocultural, educational and economic impacts. The purpose of this study is to understand how can b-learning pedagogical lifelong learning contribute for the promotion of active aging. Students from Senior Universities of the Autonomous Region of Azores participated in this study, by attending a b-learning course, ALV B´SÉNIOR, specially designed for the current study. Case study research methodology was used, combining different data sources as half structured interviews, active observation, questionnaire and satisfaction surveys. The results demonstrated that the b-learning course, ALV B´SÉNIOR, contributed to the intrapersonal development, boosted personal and digital skills, promoted multiliteracies and favored multiple strategies on auto promotion of active aging, conffering a potential path of social sustainability. The presential learning environment gathered the higher satisfaction rates when compared to the e-learning environment. Elderly students in a hybrid learning context, revealed great potentialities, being an important predictor of the benefits of b-learning in lifelong learning, thus promoting an active aging. Thus emerges the need to mobilize the public and private entities to implement integrated and sustainable measures to promote the construction of a more plural, solidary and inclusive society.
In the actual scenario of demographic changes, different entities advocate active aging as a multidimensional impacts mitigating strategy and as a guaranteed answer, above all, to three big challenges: the magnitude of demographic aging, to the complexity of its heterogeneity, and the urgency of mobilizing integrated and qualified responses. The digital mobility´s massive and accelerated development has led to significant changes in how we think, act and live, and it´s occupying more and more the everyday space between the elderly, coexisting evident sociocultural, educational and economic impacts. The purpose of this study is to understand how can b-learning pedagogical lifelong learning contribute for the promotion of active aging. Students from Senior Universities of the Autonomous Region of Azores participated in this study, by attending a b-learning course, ALV B´SÉNIOR, specially designed for the current study. Case study research methodology was used, combining different data sources as half structured interviews, active observation, questionnaire and satisfaction surveys. The results demonstrated that the b-learning course, ALV B´SÉNIOR, contributed to the intrapersonal development, boosted personal and digital skills, promoted multiliteracies and favored multiple strategies on auto promotion of active aging, conffering a potential path of social sustainability. The presential learning environment gathered the higher satisfaction rates when compared to the e-learning environment. Elderly students in a hybrid learning context, revealed great potentialities, being an important predictor of the benefits of b-learning in lifelong learning, thus promoting an active aging. Thus emerges the need to mobilize the public and private entities to implement integrated and sustainable measures to promote the construction of a more plural, solidary and inclusive society.
Aprendizagem ao longo da vida Blearning Educação a distância Envelhecimento ativo Processos de aprendizagem Sustentabilidade social Active aging Life long learning Distance education B-learning Social sustainability
Jorge, Sandro - Contributos da aprendizagem ao longo da vida através do modelo pedagógico b-learning no processo de envelhecimento ativo [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 239 p.