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Arquitetura de Microserviços (MSA) é um estilo arquitetural para construção de
sistemas distribuídos através de um conjunto de pequenos serviços que podem ser publicados
de modo totalmente independente. Ao adotar a arquitetura de microserviços, as empresas
precisam controlar alguns aspetos que possuem impacto na eficiência organizacional a fim
de garantir (i) os benefícios estratégicos da iniciativa; (ii) promover o melhor uso dos
recursos e (iii) separar as decisões essenciais da Arquitetura Corporativa e delegar outras
decisões as equipas responsáveis pelos microserviços. Este trabalho investiga os fatores
relevantes acerca da Arquitetura de Microserviços na perspectiva da Gestão da Arquitetura
Corporativa (EAM) para propor um modelo de arquitetura em ArchiMate que pode ser
utilizado como um template para a Arquitetura Corporativa das empresas. O modelo
resultante suporta duas diferentes abordagens, um top-down e outra bottom-up, que se
complementam na função de planejar e de manter o modelo de arquitetural atualizado. Por
fim, (i) um modelo definindo princípios e escopo de governança, (ii) uma estrutura genérica
de equipas, and (iii) uma referência arquitetural de tecnologias padrões são construídos para
atender ao novo papel do gerenciamento da arquitetura corporativa através da governança
descentralizada para suportar as equipas de microserviços com um caráter menos intrusivo
e menos restritivo.
Microservice Architecture (MSA) is an architectural style that aims to build a software application as a set of small services independently deployable. When adopting MSA, companies must drive some aspects that impact the organizational efficiency in order to guarantee (i) the strategic benefits of the initiative; (ii) promote the best resources usage, and (iii) separate the essential decisions to Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and postpone the other aspects to the microservice teams’ decisions. This work investigates the relevant factors about MSA from the EAM perspective in order to propose an ArchiMate model architecture which could be used as a template for companies’ Enterprise Architecture (EA). This model includes principles, responsibilities, team structure, a topologic view of technologies and standards, and a way to delimit system boundary and maintain the model up to date. The resulting model supports two different approaches, one top-down and another bottom-up, which complement each other in the function of planning and keeping up to date the Enterprise Architecture (EA) models. (i) A model defining principles and governance guidelines, (ii) a generic team structure and (iii) an architectural reference for technology standards which enable the enterprise governance of MSA, are engineered to support the new role of EAM in a decentralized governance to govern microservice teams with a less intrusive and less restrictive role as possible. In the end, the model was submitted to evaluation by teams of companies which adopted MSA, evaluating the contribution in reduce risks related to the aspects identified. The evaluation proved the usefulness of the model designed.
Microservice Architecture (MSA) is an architectural style that aims to build a software application as a set of small services independently deployable. When adopting MSA, companies must drive some aspects that impact the organizational efficiency in order to guarantee (i) the strategic benefits of the initiative; (ii) promote the best resources usage, and (iii) separate the essential decisions to Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and postpone the other aspects to the microservice teams’ decisions. This work investigates the relevant factors about MSA from the EAM perspective in order to propose an ArchiMate model architecture which could be used as a template for companies’ Enterprise Architecture (EA). This model includes principles, responsibilities, team structure, a topologic view of technologies and standards, and a way to delimit system boundary and maintain the model up to date. The resulting model supports two different approaches, one top-down and another bottom-up, which complement each other in the function of planning and keeping up to date the Enterprise Architecture (EA) models. (i) A model defining principles and governance guidelines, (ii) a generic team structure and (iii) an architectural reference for technology standards which enable the enterprise governance of MSA, are engineered to support the new role of EAM in a decentralized governance to govern microservice teams with a less intrusive and less restrictive role as possible. In the end, the model was submitted to evaluation by teams of companies which adopted MSA, evaluating the contribution in reduce risks related to the aspects identified. The evaluation proved the usefulness of the model designed.
Arquitetura de Microserviços Empresas Gestão da Arquitetura Corporativa Eficiência Modelos de gestão Enterprise Architecture Management Microservice Architecture Service Oriented Architecture Adaptive Enterprise Architecture Adaptable Enterprise Architecture
Pinheiro, Carlos Roberto - The role of enterprise architecture management in microservice architecture adoption [Em linha]: the key aspects to govern the microservice architecture. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2019. 105 p.