No presente artigo descrevemos o processo de criação e implementação do artefacto digital “TEMPUS”. É um computador vestível desenvolvido com o objectivo de percepcionar as potencialidades criativas dos e-materiais quando aplicados como matéria-prima para o Design de Moda. O Design de Interação foi suportado por testes de exploração, programação e usabilidade de microprocessadores, sensores e actuadores, materializados na concepção e desenvolvimento de um vestido inteligente, que reconhece e responde a sinais vitais de quem o usa, assinala e alerta para valores da luz, cor, som e temperatura do meio ambiente e expõe funcionalidades interativas, que lhe conferem uma nova expressão da identidade, o transformam numa interface dinâmica e o elegem como uma extensão do próprio corpo.
In this article we describe the process of creation and implementation of digital artifact "Tempus". It is a wearable computer developed with the aim of perceiving the creative potential of ematerials when applied as raw material for the Fashion Design. The Interaction Design was supported by exploration tests, programming and usability of microprocessors, sensors and actuators, materialized in the design and development of a smart dress, which recognizes and responds to vital signs of the wearer, points and warns of the light values , color, sound and temperature of the environment and exposes interactive features, which give it a new expression of identity, become a dynamic interface and the elect as an extension of their body.
In this article we describe the process of creation and implementation of digital artifact "Tempus". It is a wearable computer developed with the aim of perceiving the creative potential of ematerials when applied as raw material for the Fashion Design. The Interaction Design was supported by exploration tests, programming and usability of microprocessors, sensors and actuators, materialized in the design and development of a smart dress, which recognizes and responds to vital signs of the wearer, points and warns of the light values , color, sound and temperature of the environment and exposes interactive features, which give it a new expression of identity, become a dynamic interface and the elect as an extension of their body.
Computadores vestíveis Corpo biocibernético Design de moda Design de interação Materiais eletrónicos Wearable computers Body biocibernético Fashion design Interaction design Electronic materials
Barradas, Teresa; Coelho José; Tavares, Mírian - Tempus : interface dinâmica em corpo Biocibernético. In Artech 2015. International Conference on Digital Arts, 7, Óbidos, 2015 - "Creating Digital e-Motions [Em linha] : proceedings". Editado por José Bidarra [et al.]. [S.l.] : Artech Internacional, 2015. ISBN 978-989-99370-0-0. 6 p.