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A gestão orçamental é formada pelo controlo de gestão de uma instituição, pois permite
um controlo eficaz e racional, sendo considerado essencial para suportar e sistematizar os
procedimentos de autorização pública.
A principal intenção deste trabalho era perceber, qual é o impacto da utilização da gestão
orçamental sobre a Administração Pública, nomeadamente como é utilizada e que
influência apresenta nos organismos públicos.
Desta forma, no objetivo de retirar informações assertivas, foi realizado um inquérito à
Administração do Governo Regional da Madeira, optando assim pelo estudo de um caso.
Os resultados obtidos com este estudo foram promissores pois foi realizado e desenvolvido
internamente um trabalho associado a poucos custos, relevando assim uma grande
fundamentação para o alcance dos resultados.
Seria importante conhecer com mais detalhe a realidade da Administração Pública
Portuguesa no que diz respeito à utilização da gestão orçamental, podendo analisar a partir
dos resultados obtidos pelo estudo, fica a convicção que as implementações de novas
ferramentas podem ser úteis, contudo não são uma realidade fácil de alcançar e de propor.
Budget management is constituted by the management control of an institution, as it allows effective and rational control, being considered essential to support and systematize public authorization procedures. The main intention of this work was to understand the impact of using budget management owned by the Public Administration, namely how it is used and what impact it has on public bodies. Therefore, in order to obtain assertive information, an inquiry was carried out with the Administration of the Regional Government of Madeira, thus opting for the study of a case. The results obtained with this study were promising because work associated with low costs was carried out and developed internally, thus providing a great basis for achieving the results. It would be important to know in more detail the reality of the Portuguese Public Administration with regard to the use of budgetary management tools, being able to analyze based on the results obtained by the study, the truth remains that the implementation of new ones can be useful, however they are not a reality that is easy to achieve and proportionate.
Budget management is constituted by the management control of an institution, as it allows effective and rational control, being considered essential to support and systematize public authorization procedures. The main intention of this work was to understand the impact of using budget management owned by the Public Administration, namely how it is used and what impact it has on public bodies. Therefore, in order to obtain assertive information, an inquiry was carried out with the Administration of the Regional Government of Madeira, thus opting for the study of a case. The results obtained with this study were promising because work associated with low costs was carried out and developed internally, thus providing a great basis for achieving the results. It would be important to know in more detail the reality of the Portuguese Public Administration with regard to the use of budgetary management tools, being able to analyze based on the results obtained by the study, the truth remains that the implementation of new ones can be useful, however they are not a reality that is easy to achieve and proportionate.
Gestão orçamental Orçamento Administração pública Controlo Estratégia Budget management Budget Public administration Control Strategy
Silva, João Duarte Freitas - A importância da gestão orçamental na administração pública [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 85 p.