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O referencial Aprender com a Biblioteca Escolar (2017) prevê que o professor
bibliotecário seja um profissional detentor de um perfil altamente estimulante e agregador,
quer dos seus pares, quer da comunidade escolar em geral, quer ainda da comunidade mais
alargada (instituições, entidades externas à escola, municípios, entre outros). Supõe ainda um
papel muito ativo no que diz respeito às aquisições estruturantes, junto dos alunos, de
competências de multi-literacias.
Sustentada quer na literatura de especialidade, quer na prática docente de mais de duas
décadas, afigura-se certo que o maior investimento que um professor bibliotecário poderá
fazer no sentido de atingir estes objetivos será, em primeiríssimo lugar, no estímulo à
formação investigativa junto dos seus pares. Esta será a que, partindo das necessidades do
profissional docente e da comunidade onde este se insere, mais proficuamente responderá a
essas mesmas necessidades, potenciará a criação de práticas de trabalho colaborativo e terá
verdadeiro impacto de longo prazo junto dos alunos.
A presente dissertação, enquadrada num modelo de investigação-ação, em contexto de
trabalho colaborativo, representa uma tentativa de avaliar esta perceção através da
implementação de uma formação (realizada por solicitação do professor bibliotecário de um
Agrupamento de Escolas do distrito de Lisboa), cuja finalidade foi dotar os professores de
ferramentas para desenvolver as literacias junto dos seus alunos.
A questão de investigação proposta (Como levar à prática o referencial de
aprendizagens associadas ao trabalho das bibliotecas escolares no Ensino Básico?)
proporcionou a promoção de um estudo cujos resultados apontam para que os objetivos
defendidos no documento referencial estejam a ser alcançados pelo professor bibliotecário em
funções no referido Agrupamento.
The reference title Aprender com a Biblioteca Escolar (2017) envisions the teacher librarian as a professional with a highly stimulating and aggregating profile, both for his peers, the school community in general, and even the wider community (institutions, entities outside the school, municipalities, among others). It further assumes that he will have a very active role with regards to students’ structuring acquisitions of multi-literacy skills. Specialized literature and an over two-decade long teaching experience, it seems confirm that the most important investment that a teacher librarian can make in order to achieve these objectives is, first and foremost, to stimulate his peers towards investigative training. Considering the needs of the teaching professional and those of the community he is part of, this is the strategy that more effectively responds to those same needs, fosters the creation of collaborative work practices, and will have a real long-term impact on students. This dissertation, framed in an action-research model, in the context of collaborative work, is an attempt to assess this perception through the implementation of a training program (carried out at the request of the teacher librarian of a group of schools in the district of Lisbon), designed to provide teachers with tools to develop their students literacies. The research question proposed (How to put into practice the framework of learning associated with the work of school libraries in Basic Education?) provided the promotion of a study whose results point out that the objectives defended by the reference title are being achieved by the teacher librarian.
The reference title Aprender com a Biblioteca Escolar (2017) envisions the teacher librarian as a professional with a highly stimulating and aggregating profile, both for his peers, the school community in general, and even the wider community (institutions, entities outside the school, municipalities, among others). It further assumes that he will have a very active role with regards to students’ structuring acquisitions of multi-literacy skills. Specialized literature and an over two-decade long teaching experience, it seems confirm that the most important investment that a teacher librarian can make in order to achieve these objectives is, first and foremost, to stimulate his peers towards investigative training. Considering the needs of the teaching professional and those of the community he is part of, this is the strategy that more effectively responds to those same needs, fosters the creation of collaborative work practices, and will have a real long-term impact on students. This dissertation, framed in an action-research model, in the context of collaborative work, is an attempt to assess this perception through the implementation of a training program (carried out at the request of the teacher librarian of a group of schools in the district of Lisbon), designed to provide teachers with tools to develop their students literacies. The research question proposed (How to put into practice the framework of learning associated with the work of school libraries in Basic Education?) provided the promotion of a study whose results point out that the objectives defended by the reference title are being achieved by the teacher librarian.
Professor bibliotecário Trabalho colaborativo Desenvolvimento profissional Docentes Metacognição Literacia da informação Teacher librarian Collaborative work Teacher professional development Metacognition Information literacy
Costa, Magda - Aprender com a biblioteca escolar [Em linha]: o professor bibliotecário e a formação colaborativa. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2021. 134 p.