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A sensibilidade da música ao contexto cultural é um tema explorado amplamente
nas músicas do mundo, mas nem tanto na música Clássica. Os estudantes portugueses de
instrumentos de sopro de metal na Alemanha experienciam processos de aprendizagem
complexos aos níveis académico, social e cultural. Abordamos instituições de ensino
superior e orquestras, onde as competências interculturais são necessárias para poder fazer
face à realidade multicultural destes centros, e como esta temática cruza os conceitos e
âmbitos conceptuais da escola, das culturas, da aprendizagem e dos valores socioculturais.
A natureza intercultural da música está refletida em âmbitos diversos, desde as orquestras
como comunidades de prática às influências dos idiomas na prática musical, passando
pelos contextos sociais e históricos dos países em estudo.
A nossa investigação pretende perceber os processos de integração e aculturação
dos estudantes portugueses e de que forma este fenómeno se relaciona com o sucesso
profissional dos mesmos, ajudando os vários agentes educativos a melhor contribuírem
para o sucesso dos estudantes. Com esse objetivo, foram realizadas entrevistas abertas aos
dez estudantes portugueses de instrumentos de metais a estudarem na Alemanha no
período de 2010 a 2014.
Os resultados dão conta de uma consciência coletiva e indicam que uma maior
integração no meio é facilitadora de sucesso profissional. É constatada uma influência
cultural na prática musical, também ela indicadora da sensibilidade cultural na música
Clássica. O fenómeno de migração é justificado com a diferença nos mercados de trabalho
a nível musical, os quais por sua vez estão espelhados nos programas educativos dos países
estudados. As multiculturais escolas superiores alemãs representam um caso de interesse
por possibilitarem uma inserção mais rápida aos novos estudantes, que não se sentem
estranhos ao meio. A aprendizagem ocorre em âmbitos distintos, sendo o meio social uma
fonte inequívoca de aprendizagens, que fortalece uma predisposição e maior envolvência
do aluno no processo de integração e promove os sucessos académico e profissional.
The subject of music as sensitive to the cultural context has been widely explored in World Music, but not so much within one musical genre as the Classical music. Portuguese students of brass instruments pursuing further studies in Germany get to experience complex learning processes at academic, social and cultural levels. Our study focuses on higher education institutions and orchestras, where intercultural competencies are needed in order to face the multicultural reality of these cultural centres, crossing concepts and scope of school, culture, learning and values (sociocultural). The intercultural nature of music is present in orchestras as communities of practice, in the influence of languages on brass playing as well as in social and historical contexts of the countries under study. Our research aims the understating of the integration and acculturation processes as perceived by the Portuguese students and the ways in which it relates to professional success. It should be of interest for educational agents since they can foster the preparation of students for the upcoming challenges. Hence, we undertook open interviews with all ten Portuguese brass students enrolled in German universities between 2010 and 2014. The results show a common perception of the phenomenon under study and suggest that a higher level of integration should enhance professional success. We find evidence of cultural influence in musical practice, which leads to the idea that there are some cultural differences within one musical genre as the Classical music. German universities are a case of interest because, due to the fact of being multicultural, new students do not feel strange in the new environment, therefore fostering the integration of the students. The migration phenomenon is justified with differences regarding job opportunities in performance, which is reflected in the different study programs in both countries. Learning occurs at several levels and places and the environment plays an important role, whereas the will and engagement of the students in the integration process should enhance both academic and professional successes.
The subject of music as sensitive to the cultural context has been widely explored in World Music, but not so much within one musical genre as the Classical music. Portuguese students of brass instruments pursuing further studies in Germany get to experience complex learning processes at academic, social and cultural levels. Our study focuses on higher education institutions and orchestras, where intercultural competencies are needed in order to face the multicultural reality of these cultural centres, crossing concepts and scope of school, culture, learning and values (sociocultural). The intercultural nature of music is present in orchestras as communities of practice, in the influence of languages on brass playing as well as in social and historical contexts of the countries under study. Our research aims the understating of the integration and acculturation processes as perceived by the Portuguese students and the ways in which it relates to professional success. It should be of interest for educational agents since they can foster the preparation of students for the upcoming challenges. Hence, we undertook open interviews with all ten Portuguese brass students enrolled in German universities between 2010 and 2014. The results show a common perception of the phenomenon under study and suggest that a higher level of integration should enhance professional success. We find evidence of cultural influence in musical practice, which leads to the idea that there are some cultural differences within one musical genre as the Classical music. German universities are a case of interest because, due to the fact of being multicultural, new students do not feel strange in the new environment, therefore fostering the integration of the students. The migration phenomenon is justified with differences regarding job opportunities in performance, which is reflected in the different study programs in both countries. Learning occurs at several levels and places and the environment plays an important role, whereas the will and engagement of the students in the integration process should enhance both academic and professional successes.
Educação musical Música clássica Instrumentos musicais Interculturalidade Estudantes Portugueses Aprendizagem profissional Alemanha Musical education Interculturality Classical music Brass instruments Professional learning
Antão, Gabriel - A experiência intercultural na aprendizagem [Em linha]: estudo de caso dos estudantes portugueses de instrumentos de sopro metal na Alemanha. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2016. 498 p.