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Tendo como base quatro narrativas medievais de conquista – o relato epistolográfico
De Expugnagtione Lyxbonnensi, A Conquista de Lisboa aos Mouros, os poemas narrativos
Quomodo sit capta Sanctarem ciuitas a rege Alfonso comitis Henrici filio, a Tomada de
Santarém e a Tomada de Alcácer do Sal, Quomodo capta fuit Alcaser a Francis e, por fim,
a crónica sobre a conquista definitiva do Algarve, Coroniqua de como Dom Payo Correa
Mestre de Santiago de Castella tomou este Reino do Algarve aos Moros - este trabalho
pretende analisar o imaginário e a memória ali fixados por escrito, considerando que os
textos são também a expressão de mentalidades e do imaginário veiculados através da
produção de imagens visuais contidas nos textos, encontrando-se aliados a certas intenções
e inseridos num determinado contexto histórico.
As imagens transmitidas pela narrativa permitem também a consolidação de certos
ideais e tratando-se, como no presente trabalho, de textos referentes a batalhas de conquista
que ocorreram em diferentes momentos dos chamamentos às Cruzadas, eles permitem
transmitir também imagens de uma gesta e de acontecimentos que eram a celebração de
determinados ideais e valores praticados ao serviço da Fé.
Based on four medieval narratives of conquest - the epistemolographic account of Expugnagtione Lyxbonnensi, The Conquest of Lisbon to the Moors, the narrative poems Quomodo sit capta Sanctarem ciuitas a rege Alfonso comitis Henrici filio, the Capture of Santarém and the Capture of Alcácer do Sal, Quomodo capta fuit Alcaser a Francis and, finally, the chronicle of the final conquest of the Algarve, Coroniqua de como Dom Payo Correa Mestre de Santiago de Castella tomou este Reino do Algarve aos Moros - this work aims to analyse the imaginary and memory fixed in narratives, considering that texts are also the expression of mentalities and collective imaginary that are transmitted through the production of visual images and that they are coupled to certain intentions and inserted in a certain historical context. The images transmitted by the narrative also allow for the consolidation of certain ideals and, as in the present work, we are looking at texts referring to battles of conquest that occurred at different times of the calls to the crusades, these texts also transmit images of a gesture and deeds which were the celebration of certain ideals and values practised in the service of faith.
Based on four medieval narratives of conquest - the epistemolographic account of Expugnagtione Lyxbonnensi, The Conquest of Lisbon to the Moors, the narrative poems Quomodo sit capta Sanctarem ciuitas a rege Alfonso comitis Henrici filio, the Capture of Santarém and the Capture of Alcácer do Sal, Quomodo capta fuit Alcaser a Francis and, finally, the chronicle of the final conquest of the Algarve, Coroniqua de como Dom Payo Correa Mestre de Santiago de Castella tomou este Reino do Algarve aos Moros - this work aims to analyse the imaginary and memory fixed in narratives, considering that texts are also the expression of mentalities and collective imaginary that are transmitted through the production of visual images and that they are coupled to certain intentions and inserted in a certain historical context. The images transmitted by the narrative also allow for the consolidation of certain ideals and, as in the present work, we are looking at texts referring to battles of conquest that occurred at different times of the calls to the crusades, these texts also transmit images of a gesture and deeds which were the celebration of certain ideals and values practised in the service of faith.
Narrativa histórica Imaginário Memória Idade Média Crónicas (História) Cruzadas Mentalidade Middle Age Chronicles Crusades Imaginary Mentalities
Marcante, Isabel Maria Pessanha - Memória e imaginário medievais em quatro relatos de conquista [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2019. 133 p.