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- Veteran teachers and digital technologies: myths, beliefs and professional developmentPublication . Monteiro, Angélica; Mouraz, Ana; Dotta, Leanete ThomasAccording to the Teaching and Learning International Survey (2019), the average age for a teacher, across OECD countries, is 44 years old, and the teacher workforce has aged in a number of countries, over the past 5 to 10 years. Given the demands expected from the contemporary teaching profession, the study of possible implications of ageing on the use of digital technologies in education is even more pertinent and relevant. This study aims to analyse veteran teachers’ perceptions about digital technologies and outline possible pathways for their professional development. Data collected through literature review and content analysis of veteran teachers’ perceptions, expressed in a continuing education training programme, show there are positive and negative thoughts and dilemmas related to the role of digital technology in education, and that there are myths regarding veteran teachers’ digital skills, competences and motivation to change practices, as well as misconceptions about the relationship between technologies and educational reforms. The results also indicate possible pathways to successful training practice with this target group.