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  • Gaps and needs analysis: european report and roadmap
    Publication . Carrilho, Tiago; Porfírio, José; Gronita, Joaquim; Silva, Helena Vaz da; Martins, Mariana; Gerardo, Graça; Brëcko, Barbara; Spatafora, Mario; Rashidi, Ali; Averhed, Yevgenyia
    Needs assessment analysis within the ISOLEARN project focused on under-researched topic of needs in education process of visually and hearing impaired students in HE in Europe. Applying a mixed-method design with desk research, a web survey with students and in-depth interviews with representatives of higher education institutions revealed valuable feedback for increasing the understanding on needs of this vulnerable group. These two groups need different adaptations as they have different needs. Also we can say they are not satisfied with current adaptations and there is a lot of room for improvement. From the interviews and also desk research we can conclude, that the institutions are trying to help students on their way to academic success, but results of the survey shows, that they (institutions) are successful only to a certain extent.
  • Innovation and social learning in higher education institutions
    Publication . Carrilho, Tiago; Porfírio, José; Caforio, Alessandro; Rashidi, Ali; Gerardo, Graça; Martins, Mariana; Valle, Luísa; Spatafora, Mario; Vesna, Dolnicar; Gronita, Joaquim
    Considering the existing experiences and the concrete needs of the hearing - impaired and visually - impaired groups for accessing HEI programmes, this handboook brings some important innovations: 1. A functional approach, proposing the methods and procedures to be used for developing and delivering ICT based learning offer valid also for these target group (not specially done for them, but designed in such a way that correspond also to their specific needs). This is that will support the target groups in their education and also social inclusion. 2. A subsequent proposal of a kind of “Quality Label”, to establish quality standards and assessment procedures and instruments to be used for evaluating whether Higher Educational Institutions’ offers and training programmes correspond to the ISOLearn standards regarding the accessibility of these groups to their learning offer. 3. Both the Handbook and the “Quality Label” should be tested on a specific qualification which should become a benchmark for the HEI ICT based learning programmes. The concrete experience will demonstrate the benefits for all the stakeholders (e.g. HEI and disadvantaged groups) of promoting social learning approach in HEI.