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Equaciona-se o direito humano à água tendo presente a sua utilização assente no equilíbrio
dos possíveis modelos de gestão aplicáveis aos sistemas de distribuição de água e na
consciencialização/educação dos consumidores para soluções de eficiente utilização da
Avalia-se o conceito de Pegada Hídrica como indicador de impacte do consumo humano
global nos recursos de água associado ao conceito de “água virtual” bem como ao de
Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) do produto água para consumo humano, desde a sua
origem à sua distribuição.
Analisam-se as alterações significativas que a Diretiva Quadro da Água (DQA) veio
introduzir, para a proteção e a utilização sustentável da água, tendo por base princípios
ambientais, económicos, sociais e políticos de modo a minimizar a crescente degradação
dos recursos hídricos.
Apresenta-se o quadro institucional português, do setor do abastecimento e distribuição
de água, analisando as diferentes formas de gestão possíveis bem como os diferentes
modelos e estruturas tarifárias aplicáveis, desenvolvendo-se uma metodologia para
uniformização dos tarifários quer na sua estrutura quer nos valores a aplicar em cada bloco
É apresentada a regra de Ramsey-Boiteux como uma solução viável para o estabelecimento
de preços em monopólios com restrições orçamentais, como é o caso das entidades de
distribuição de água. Analisa-se o conceito de qualidade serviço com base no grau de cumprimento de padrões
de desempenho por parte das entidades gestoras, utilizando indicadores de desempenho
padronizados através de uma classificação pontual, distribuída por diferentes intervalos
aos quais é atribuído, um coeficiente qualitativo.
Procede-se à hierarquização das Entidades Gestoras baseada nos seus sistemas de
operação/produção, calculam-se e aplicam-se indicadores de avaliação de qualidade de
serviço visando, a criação de um modelo de aplicação generalizada às diferentes Entidades
Gestoras, conduzindo a um modelo tarifário unificado final, coerente e equitativamente
equilibrado socialmente, em paralelo com um sistema compensatório que conduz à justiça
social e à sustentabilidade.
Por fim, aplicam-se, a título de exemplo, os conceitos desenvolvidos a um número restrito
de entidades com diferentes modelos de gestão e de tarifários, determinando-se o valor
final do preço para todas as Entidades Gestoras consideradas.
The human right to water is equated with its use based on the balance of possible management models applicable to water distribution systems and on consumer awareness /education for efficient water use solutions. The concept of Water Footprint is evaluated as an indicator of the impact of global human consumption on the water resources associated with the concept of “virtual water" as well as the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the product water for human consumption, from its origin to its distribution. The important changes that the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has introduced for the protection and sustainable use of water, are based on environmental, economic, social and political principles in order to minimize the increasing degradation of water resources. It presents the Portuguese institutional framework of the water supply and distribution sector, analyzing the different possible forms of management as well as the different models and tariff structures applicable, developing a methodology for standardizing tariffs in both structure and values to be applied in each structural block. The Ramsey-Boiteux rule is presented as a viable solution for the establishment of prices in monopolies with budgetary restrictions, as is the case of water distribution entities. The concept of service quality is analyzed based on the degree of compliance with performance standards by management entities, using performance indicators standardized through a point ranking, distributed over different intervals to which it is assigned, a qualitative coefficient. The Managing Entities are hierarchically based on their operating/production systems, indicators of quality of service evaluation are calculated and applied in order to create a generalized application model for the different Managing Entities, leading to a model unified final tariff, coherent and equitably socially balanced, in parallel with a compensatory system that leads to social justice and sustainability. Finally, as an example, the concepts developed for a limited number of entities with different management and tariff models are applied, and the final value of the price is determined for all the Management Entities considered.
The human right to water is equated with its use based on the balance of possible management models applicable to water distribution systems and on consumer awareness /education for efficient water use solutions. The concept of Water Footprint is evaluated as an indicator of the impact of global human consumption on the water resources associated with the concept of “virtual water" as well as the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the product water for human consumption, from its origin to its distribution. The important changes that the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has introduced for the protection and sustainable use of water, are based on environmental, economic, social and political principles in order to minimize the increasing degradation of water resources. It presents the Portuguese institutional framework of the water supply and distribution sector, analyzing the different possible forms of management as well as the different models and tariff structures applicable, developing a methodology for standardizing tariffs in both structure and values to be applied in each structural block. The Ramsey-Boiteux rule is presented as a viable solution for the establishment of prices in monopolies with budgetary restrictions, as is the case of water distribution entities. The concept of service quality is analyzed based on the degree of compliance with performance standards by management entities, using performance indicators standardized through a point ranking, distributed over different intervals to which it is assigned, a qualitative coefficient. The Managing Entities are hierarchically based on their operating/production systems, indicators of quality of service evaluation are calculated and applied in order to create a generalized application model for the different Managing Entities, leading to a model unified final tariff, coherent and equitably socially balanced, in parallel with a compensatory system that leads to social justice and sustainability. Finally, as an example, the concepts developed for a limited number of entities with different management and tariff models are applied, and the final value of the price is determined for all the Management Entities considered.
Sustentabilidade Pegada hídrica Ciclo hidrológico Diretiva Quadro da Água Distribuição de água Tarifários Modelos de gestão Indicadores de qualidade Desempenho Entidades gestoras Hydrological cycle Water footprint Water framework directive Water distribution management models Tariffs Performance indicators Equity and social justice
Soares, Adelino Manuel da Silva - Implicações na sustentabilidade socioambiental do consumo de água [Em linha]: uma visão unificadora dos tarifários. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 233 p.