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Este estudo procura fazer uma reflexão sobre uma das problemáticas mais
levantadas nos dias de hoje, a sustentabilidade como forma de promoção de uma melhor
qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento local. Os objetivos que centraram esta investigação
foram em primeiro lugar entender quais são as políticas sociais e culturais que a autarquia
desenvolve, até que ponto os informadores chave existentes na autarquia (Associações,
IPSS(s) e Juntas de Freguesia) participam na conceção destas políticas, que benefícios daí
retiram e quais são as suas perspetivas e expectativas para o futuro.
A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso do tipo exploratório, com base na
utilização de inquéritos por entrevista semiestruturadas e inquéritos por questionário mistos,
possibilitando comparar as perceções dos informadores privilegiados (representantes do
poder local) e dos informadores chave.
Os resultados foram sistematizados e organizados por categorias temáticas cujas
principais são o desenvolvimento, a sustentabilidade, a participação e a qualidade de vida.
Foi possível constatar que, apesar dos inquiridos demonstrarem que têm uma perceção
sobre o conceito de sustentabilidade e lhe reconhecerem a sua importância, desconhecem
as formas de a alcançar. Foi também possível verificar que as políticas sociais e culturais
são desconhecidas para muitos dos inquiridos e que a sua participação na elaboração destas
políticas é ínfima. Ficou claro que os representantes de junta têm uma maior tendência em
participar em decisões políticas e que os representantes associativos e das IPSS(s) revelam
um certo constrangimento em relação ao poder local e até mesmo um sentimento de
Podemos avançar que, é importante atribuir responsabilidades às autarquias na
solução dos problemas locais, mas, contando sempre com a participação dos seus
habitantes, neste caso, dos informadores chave. É preciso mitigar a postura negacionista,
pouco motivada e de baixa autoestima por parte dos cidadãos e envolver a população nos
debates políticos e formulação das respetivas políticas públicas. Neste sentido
apresentamos neste estudo uma proposta de intervenção que permite favorecer o diálogo, a
organização e a negociação entre o poder local autárquico e os cidadãos.
This study seeks to reflect on one of the most raised issues these days, sustainability as a way of promoting a better quality of life and local development. The objectives that focused this research were, firstly, to understand what are the social and cultural policies that the municipality develops, to what extent the existing key informants in the municipality (Associations, IPSS(s) and Parish Councils) participate in the design of these policies, what benefits do they derive from it and what are their perspectives and expectations for the future. The methodology used was an exploratory case study, based on the use of semistructured interviews and mixed questionnaire surveys, making it possible to compare the perceptions of privileged informants (representatives of local power) and key informants. The results were systematized and organized by thematic categories, the main ones being development, sustainability, participation and quality of life. It was possible to verify that, although the respondents demonstrate that they have a perception of the concept of sustainability and recognize its importance, they are unaware of the ways to achieve it. It was also possible to verify that social and cultural policies are unknown to many of the respondents and that their participation in the elaboration of these policies is minimal. It was clear that board representatives have a greater tendency to participate in political decisions and that association and IPSS(s) representatives reveal a certain embarrassment in relation to local power and even a feeling of exclusion. We can advance that it is important to assign responsibilities to the municipalities in the solution of local problems, but always counting on the participation of its inhabitants, in this case, the key informants. It is necessary to mitigate the denialist attitude, little motivated and low self-esteem on the part of citizens and involve the population in political debates and formulation of the respective public policies. In this sense, in this study, we present an intervention proposal that favors dialogue, organization and negotiation between local government and citizens.
This study seeks to reflect on one of the most raised issues these days, sustainability as a way of promoting a better quality of life and local development. The objectives that focused this research were, firstly, to understand what are the social and cultural policies that the municipality develops, to what extent the existing key informants in the municipality (Associations, IPSS(s) and Parish Councils) participate in the design of these policies, what benefits do they derive from it and what are their perspectives and expectations for the future. The methodology used was an exploratory case study, based on the use of semistructured interviews and mixed questionnaire surveys, making it possible to compare the perceptions of privileged informants (representatives of local power) and key informants. The results were systematized and organized by thematic categories, the main ones being development, sustainability, participation and quality of life. It was possible to verify that, although the respondents demonstrate that they have a perception of the concept of sustainability and recognize its importance, they are unaware of the ways to achieve it. It was also possible to verify that social and cultural policies are unknown to many of the respondents and that their participation in the elaboration of these policies is minimal. It was clear that board representatives have a greater tendency to participate in political decisions and that association and IPSS(s) representatives reveal a certain embarrassment in relation to local power and even a feeling of exclusion. We can advance that it is important to assign responsibilities to the municipalities in the solution of local problems, but always counting on the participation of its inhabitants, in this case, the key informants. It is necessary to mitigate the denialist attitude, little motivated and low self-esteem on the part of citizens and involve the population in political debates and formulation of the respective public policies. In this sense, in this study, we present an intervention proposal that favors dialogue, organization and negotiation between local government and citizens.
Sustentabilidade Desenvolvimento local Participação Qualidade de vida e politicas públicas Portalegre Alto Alentejo Sustainability Local development Participation Quality of life and public policies
Balola, Tânia Isabel Rodrigues - Sustentabilidade social, cultural e qualidade de vida [Em linha]: um estudo de caso no concelho de Portalegre – Alto Alentejo: perspectivas e expectativas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 164 p.