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Moçambique é uma parcela do planeta com uma população agora estimada em 26 milhões de habitantes, de acordo com informação disponibilizada pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), 52% dos quais constituem população infantil (UNICEF, 2014). Este dado representa desafios para a capacidade do Estado para satisfazer a demanda pelos cuidados de saúde, educação, emprego.
Trabalho Infantil em Moçambique e Sustentabilidade Social: Perceção das crianças envolvidas no garimpo na Província de Manica é o título de uma tese, um estudo de caso que, a partir de uma metodologia fenomenológica pretende apresentar um quadro aproximado de um fenómeno pouco conhecido e, ao mesmo tempo, denunciar uma prática cuja vivência potencia efeitos a médio prazo que condicionam o bem-estar da criança.
O estudo centra-se na observação do contexto da exploração do trabalho infantil, nomeadamente em atividades de garimpo, analisando também a forma diferenciada como as diferentes culturas olham para a criança, a evolução histórica desses mesmos olhares até à emergência em épocas mais recentes dos direitos da criança. Passamos em revista a perspetiva histórica do trabalho infantil até desembocar na criação da Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Contextualizamos o trabalho infantil em Moçambique e ainda descrevemos a atividade do garimpo no âmbito do fenómeno. A análise procura compreender a perceção que as crianças têm da sua participação no garimpo nos âmbitos social, económico e ambiental. Os resultados do estudo apresentam um quadro estrutural do fenómeno que evidencia uma experiência mais negativa do que positiva. A experiência não denota uma satisfação sustentável das necessidades sociais, económicas e educativas das crianças. A experiência das crianças decorre num contexto social onde o tema é tratado de forma marginal, numa sociedade que não tem a magnitude do fenómeno, por isso numa sociedade pouco informada sobre a problemática, num país onde os níveis de pobreza atingem 60% da população, onde há muita legislação aprovada mas a Lei do Trabalho é omissa quanto ao prevenir o fenómeno. Uma questão fica no ar: estará o país a construir o ideal de Desenvolvimento Sustentável?
Mozambique is a portion of the planet with a population now estimated at 26 million inhabitants, according to information provided by the National Statistics Institute (INE), 52% of which constitute child population (UNICEF, 2014). This data represents challenges to satisfy the demand for health care, education, employment. Child Labour in Mozambique and Social Sustainability: Perception of the children involved in mining in Manica Province is a case study thesis that intended as a contribution to the country, to society in general and to the academic community in particular. In this context, the general purpose of the phenomenological study intends to from the perception of children provide a rough picture of a little-known phenomenon in the social, economic and environmental and at the same time, report a practice whose livingness increase medium-term effects which condition the child's well-being. The study focuses on the observation of the context of the exploitation of child labor, namely in the mining activities, analyzing also the differentiated manner how the different cultures looks for the child, the historical evolution of these same looks, until the emergence in recent times of children's rights. We review the historical perspective of child labor until culminate in the creation of the International Labour Organization. Contextualize child labor in Mozambique and also describe the mining activity in the phenomenon. The analysis seeks to understand the perception that children have of their participation in mining activities. The study results present a structural framework of the phenomenon showing a more negative experience than positive. The experience does not denote a sustainable satisfaction of social, economic and educational needs of the children. The experience of the children occur in a social context, in which the theme is treated marginally, in a society that has no magnitude of the phenomenon, that's why so a insufficiently-informed society about the problem in a country where poverty levels reach 60% of the population, which is the main factor in the recrudescence of the phenomenon. There is lots of approved legislation but the legislation already approved, the Labour Law, is silent as to prevent the phenomenon, which reveals a less informed society about the phenomenon and a negative perception about the experience of working in the mining consolidated in the economic need and in the suffering. One issue remains in the air: will the country build the ideal of sustainable development?
Mozambique is a portion of the planet with a population now estimated at 26 million inhabitants, according to information provided by the National Statistics Institute (INE), 52% of which constitute child population (UNICEF, 2014). This data represents challenges to satisfy the demand for health care, education, employment. Child Labour in Mozambique and Social Sustainability: Perception of the children involved in mining in Manica Province is a case study thesis that intended as a contribution to the country, to society in general and to the academic community in particular. In this context, the general purpose of the phenomenological study intends to from the perception of children provide a rough picture of a little-known phenomenon in the social, economic and environmental and at the same time, report a practice whose livingness increase medium-term effects which condition the child's well-being. The study focuses on the observation of the context of the exploitation of child labor, namely in the mining activities, analyzing also the differentiated manner how the different cultures looks for the child, the historical evolution of these same looks, until the emergence in recent times of children's rights. We review the historical perspective of child labor until culminate in the creation of the International Labour Organization. Contextualize child labor in Mozambique and also describe the mining activity in the phenomenon. The analysis seeks to understand the perception that children have of their participation in mining activities. The study results present a structural framework of the phenomenon showing a more negative experience than positive. The experience does not denote a sustainable satisfaction of social, economic and educational needs of the children. The experience of the children occur in a social context, in which the theme is treated marginally, in a society that has no magnitude of the phenomenon, that's why so a insufficiently-informed society about the problem in a country where poverty levels reach 60% of the population, which is the main factor in the recrudescence of the phenomenon. There is lots of approved legislation but the legislation already approved, the Labour Law, is silent as to prevent the phenomenon, which reveals a less informed society about the phenomenon and a negative perception about the experience of working in the mining consolidated in the economic need and in the suffering. One issue remains in the air: will the country build the ideal of sustainable development?
Trabalho infantil Sustentabilidade Pobreza Crianças socialmente desfavorecidas Educação Garimpo Fenomenologia Proteção da infância Perceção Moçambique Child labor Mining Poverty Phenomenology Sustainability Vulnerability
Manhice, Antonieta - Trabalho infantil em Moçambique e sustentabilidade social [Em linha]: perceção das crianças envolvidas no garimpo na Província de Manica. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2016. 426 p.