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As propostas da agricultura sustentável ainda são minoritárias, incipientes, até mesmo
marginalizadas, em certos contextos sociais, políticos e económicos da produção agrícola
moçambicana, muito embora se reconheça que algumas regiões do mundo se tem avançado
consideravelmente nesta direção com a implementação de políticas públicas de extensão e
assistência técnica, de pesquisa agrícola, de aporte de recursos financeiros em programas
específicos para a produção agrícola sustentável, dentre outras. De facto, encontrar e aplicar vias
que possibilitam uma transição da agricultura de subsistência para formas mais sustentáveis que
atendam a exigências económicas, sociais e ambientais, envolve mudanças estruturais de médio e
longo prazo, especialmente no seio do contexto agrícola atual favorável ao agronegócio e ao
aprofundamento de certos princípios da “Revolução Verde”. Este trabalho tem como objetivo
central, caracterizar a dinâmica dos programas de desenvolvimento agrário no corredor de Nacala,
de 2005 a 2020, tendo em conta os princípios da agricultura sustentável. Em termos de objetivos
específicos, pretende-se analisar o paradigma do desenvolvimento agrário, de 2005 a 2020,
questionando-se se a abordagem da transformação estrutural da agricultura de subsistência para
agricultura comercial assenta em vetores de sustentabilidade. Visa ainda identificar os fatores que
proporcionaram o avanço ou a estagnação da agricultura no corredor de Nacala para o período em
questão, tendo em conta as políticas e reformas agrárias concebidas depois da Independência, bem
como identificar as principais barreiras/destorções no processo do desenvolvimento agrário no
corredor de Nacala. Visa finalmente propor um modelo de agricultura para o corredor de Nacala,
tendo por base princípios de sustentabilidade. Para o efeito, recorrendo-se a uma metodologia
mista, envolvendo 225 participantes - produtores, fóruns, associações, empresas, cooperativas,
ONG, investigadores agrários, técnicos e extensionistas- utilizaram-se os seguintes instrumentos
de recolha de dados: Análise Documental; b) Entrevista; c) Questionário; d) Grupos focais; e)
Observação. Do estudo efetuado, evidencia-se que o conceito de agricultura sustentável é
questionável, considerando, entre outros fatores, a dificuldade em se determinar a sustentabilidade
de qualquer sistema. A proposta centra-se na transição da agricultura familiar de subsistência para
uma agricultura sustentável. A escolha da agricultura de subsistência está relacionada com
multifuncionalidade da agricultura familiar, que além de produzir alimentos e matérias-primas,
gera mais de 80% da ocupação no sector rural Moçambicano.
Although in some regions sustainable agriculture approach has been advanced considerably, with the implementation of certain public policies (e.g., extension and technical assistance, agricultural research, financial resources in specific programs for sustainable agricultural production, among others), in Mozambique, the sustainable agriculture approach is still minority, incipient, even marginalized in certain social, political and economic contexts of agricultural production. In fact, identify and apply scenarios that enable the transition from subsistence agriculture to sustainable agriculture forms that meet economic, social and environmental requirements requires structural changes in the medium and long terms, especially within the current favourable context to the agribusiness the flourishment of certain principles of the “Green Revolution”. The aim of this work is to characterize the dynamics of agricultural development programs in the Nacala corridor, between 2005 and 2020, taking into account the principles of sustainable agriculture. In terms of specific objectives, it is intended to analyse the paradigm of agrarian development, between 2005 and 2020, questioning whether the approach of structural transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture is based on sustainability vectors. It also aims to identify the factors that led to the advance or stagnation of agriculture in the Nacala corridor for the period in question, taking into account the agrarian policies and reforms conceived after Independence, as well as identifying the main barriers/distortions in the process of agricultural development in the Nacala corridor. Finally, it aims to propose an agricultural model for the Nacala corridor, based on sustainability principles. For this purpose, using a mixed methodology, this research comprises 225 participants - producers, forums, associations, companies, cooperatives, NGOs, agricultural researchers, technicians and extensionists. The following data collection instruments were used: Document Analysis; b) Interview; c) Questionnaire; d) Focus groups; e) Observation. From the study carried out, it was revealed that the concept of sustainable agriculture is questioned, considering, among other factors, the difficulty in determining the sustainability of any system. The proposal of this work is to associate the challenges of the transition from the subsistence to the sustainable agriculture. The choice of subsistence agriculture is related to the multifunctionality of family farming, which in addition to producing food and raw materials, generates more than 80% of the occupation in the Mozambican rural sector.
Although in some regions sustainable agriculture approach has been advanced considerably, with the implementation of certain public policies (e.g., extension and technical assistance, agricultural research, financial resources in specific programs for sustainable agricultural production, among others), in Mozambique, the sustainable agriculture approach is still minority, incipient, even marginalized in certain social, political and economic contexts of agricultural production. In fact, identify and apply scenarios that enable the transition from subsistence agriculture to sustainable agriculture forms that meet economic, social and environmental requirements requires structural changes in the medium and long terms, especially within the current favourable context to the agribusiness the flourishment of certain principles of the “Green Revolution”. The aim of this work is to characterize the dynamics of agricultural development programs in the Nacala corridor, between 2005 and 2020, taking into account the principles of sustainable agriculture. In terms of specific objectives, it is intended to analyse the paradigm of agrarian development, between 2005 and 2020, questioning whether the approach of structural transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture is based on sustainability vectors. It also aims to identify the factors that led to the advance or stagnation of agriculture in the Nacala corridor for the period in question, taking into account the agrarian policies and reforms conceived after Independence, as well as identifying the main barriers/distortions in the process of agricultural development in the Nacala corridor. Finally, it aims to propose an agricultural model for the Nacala corridor, based on sustainability principles. For this purpose, using a mixed methodology, this research comprises 225 participants - producers, forums, associations, companies, cooperatives, NGOs, agricultural researchers, technicians and extensionists. The following data collection instruments were used: Document Analysis; b) Interview; c) Questionnaire; d) Focus groups; e) Observation. From the study carried out, it was revealed that the concept of sustainable agriculture is questioned, considering, among other factors, the difficulty in determining the sustainability of any system. The proposal of this work is to associate the challenges of the transition from the subsistence to the sustainable agriculture. The choice of subsistence agriculture is related to the multifunctionality of family farming, which in addition to producing food and raw materials, generates more than 80% of the occupation in the Mozambican rural sector.
Agricultura de subsistência Agricultura familiar Agricultura sustentável Desenvolvimento agrário Potencial agrário Moçambique Agrarian development Agrarian potential Family farming Subsistence agriculture Sustainable agriculture
Dzucule, Pedro Daniel - Desafios de transição de agricultura de subsistência para uma agricultura sustentável no corredor de Nacala, Moçambique, 2005-2020 [Em linha]. [S.l.]: s.n.], 2022. 372 p.