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A presente tese de doutoramento tem como tema e objeto central o conceito de
sustentabilidade social e a procura da sua operacionalização num modelo de avaliação da
sustentabilidade social, orientador e pró-ativo, que avalie, mas também promova, a
sustentabilidade das ações planeadas (políticas, planos, programas ou projetos). A partir
de uma perspetiva crítica e emancipatória, analisa-se o processo de construção da
conceção dominante de desenvolvimento sustentável, as suas principais características e
as contradições estruturais que comporta. A análise é então centrada na noção de
sustentabilidade social, em busca de uma clarificação do seu significado. Da análise crítica
de várias propostas de definição e de operacionalização da noção, bem como de outras
perspetivas, conceções e propostas, como os direitos humanos, o capability approach de
Amartya Sen e Marta Nussbaum, a perspetiva do buen vivir, e a atualização do conceito
aristotélico de florescimento desenvolvida pela corrente do realismo crítico, resultou uma
proposta, aberta, de conceção de sustentabilidade social como processo relacional de
florescimento humano, e como processo de cuidar, compreendendo, necessariamente,
uma dimensão atual e uma dimensão utópica, entendendo como utopia, seguindo Karl
Manheim, a procura da concretização de futuros desejáveis, emancipatórios e realizáveis,
num horizonte de possibilidades. Esta proposta foi configurada num conjunto de princípios
de sustentabilidade social e de objetivos de sustentabilidade social procurando integrar e
expressar a articulação das dimensões individual e relacional, de estrutura e agência,
objetiva e subjetiva. Este conjunto de princípios e objetivos, de natureza ética, constitui
uma base matricial para a orientação normativa da ação prática e, concomitantemente, de
referencial de valores para a avaliação da sustentabilidade social das ações planeadas.
Tendo como referência o campo da avaliação da sustentabilidade, é proposto um modelo
de avaliação e promoção da sustentabilidade social de projetos, com contributos ao nível
dos fundamentos teóricos, do processo metodológico, das dimensões de sustentabilidade
social, da definição do âmbito e dos critérios de avaliação.
The main object of this doctoral thesis is the concept of social sustainability and the search for its operationalization in a model of social sustainability assessment, a model not only reactive, but guiding and proactive, which evaluates, but also promotes, the sustainability of planned actions (policies, plans, programs, or projects), from a critical and emancipatory perspective. The process of constructing the dominant concept of sustainable development, its main characteristics, and the structural contradictions it entails has been analyzed. The analysis was then centered on the notion of social sustainability, in search of a clarification of its meaning. From the critical analysis of various proposals for the definition and operationalization of the notion, as well as other perspectives, conceptions and proposals that, not directly addressing social sustainability, deal, in fact, with its problematics, such as human rights approach, the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Marta Nussbaum, the perspective of buen vivir, and the updating of the Aristotelian concept of flourishing developed by critical realism current, resulted a proposal of social sustainability as a relational process of human flourishing, and as a process of caring, comprising an actual dimension and an utopian dimension, understanding as utopia, following Karl Manheim, the search for the realization of desirable, emancipatory and achievable futures, in a horizon of possibilities. This proposal was configured in a set of principles of social sustainability and a set of social sustainability objectives, resulting from those principles, presented as an open proposal, and seeking to integrate and express the articulation of the individual and relational dimensions, structure and agency, objective and subjective. This set of principles and objectives, of an ethical nature, constitutes a matrix basis for the normative orientation of practical action and, concomitantly, of reference of values for the evaluation of the social sustainability of planned actions. Based on the field of sustainability assessment, a framework for evaluating and promoting the social sustainability of projects is proposed, with contributions at the level of theoretical foundations, the methodological process, the dimensions of social sustainability, the definition of the scope and the evaluation criteria.
The main object of this doctoral thesis is the concept of social sustainability and the search for its operationalization in a model of social sustainability assessment, a model not only reactive, but guiding and proactive, which evaluates, but also promotes, the sustainability of planned actions (policies, plans, programs, or projects), from a critical and emancipatory perspective. The process of constructing the dominant concept of sustainable development, its main characteristics, and the structural contradictions it entails has been analyzed. The analysis was then centered on the notion of social sustainability, in search of a clarification of its meaning. From the critical analysis of various proposals for the definition and operationalization of the notion, as well as other perspectives, conceptions and proposals that, not directly addressing social sustainability, deal, in fact, with its problematics, such as human rights approach, the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Marta Nussbaum, the perspective of buen vivir, and the updating of the Aristotelian concept of flourishing developed by critical realism current, resulted a proposal of social sustainability as a relational process of human flourishing, and as a process of caring, comprising an actual dimension and an utopian dimension, understanding as utopia, following Karl Manheim, the search for the realization of desirable, emancipatory and achievable futures, in a horizon of possibilities. This proposal was configured in a set of principles of social sustainability and a set of social sustainability objectives, resulting from those principles, presented as an open proposal, and seeking to integrate and express the articulation of the individual and relational dimensions, structure and agency, objective and subjective. This set of principles and objectives, of an ethical nature, constitutes a matrix basis for the normative orientation of practical action and, concomitantly, of reference of values for the evaluation of the social sustainability of planned actions. Based on the field of sustainability assessment, a framework for evaluating and promoting the social sustainability of projects is proposed, with contributions at the level of theoretical foundations, the methodological process, the dimensions of social sustainability, the definition of the scope and the evaluation criteria.
Sustentabilidade Sustentabilidade social Avaliação Desenvolvimento sustentável Sustainability Social sustainability Social sustainability assessment Sustainable development
Martins, João José de Almeida - Avaliar a sustentabilidade social contributos [Em linha]: para a estruturação e aplicação empírica de um modelo de avaliação. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2023]. 327 p.