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Strategic Project - UI 6 - 2011-2012



Response surface methodology: a review of applications to risk assessment
Publication . Oliveira, Teresa A.; Leal, Conceição; Oliveira, Amilcar
Risk Analysis has assumed a crucial relevance over the past few years, particularly in dynamical systems with increasing complexity. Thanks to recent technological advances, the use of simulation techniques to estimate models has become the norm rather than the exception. These simulated models are used to predict the behavior of a system, to compute the probability of occurrence of a specific event and to predict the consequence of the said event. Uncertainty associated with the simulation, either in model parameters or in experimental data, requires its quantification as a prerequisite in probabilistic risk assessment. The computational costs of numerical simulations are often very high, thus the use of metamodels arises as a pressing necessity. Response Surface Methodology is known to be a suitable tool, both for the estimation of metamodels for the behaviors of systems and risk assessment, and for the quantification of uncertainty. A review of applications and of various aspects on the use of Response Surface Methodology in Risk Assessment Systems will be presented.
Microarray experiments on risk analysis using R
Publication . Oliveira, Teresa A.; Oliveira, Amilcar; Monteiro, Andreia A.
The microarray technique is a powerful biotechnological tool, expanding in a interesting way the vision with which issues in medicine are studied. Microarray technology, allows simultaneous evaluation of the expression of thousands of genes in different tissues of a given organism, and in different stages of development or environmental conditions. However, experiments with microarrays are still substantially costly and laborious, and as a consequence, they are usually conducted with relatively small sample sizes, thereby requiring a careful experimental design and statistical analysis. This paper adopts some applications of microarrays in risk analysis using R statistical software.

Organizational Units





Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Funding programme

6817 - DCRRNI ID

Funding Award Number
