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- Reconfiguring Arthur: the arthurian legend as palimpsest in Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: the legend of the sword (2017)Publication . Marques, Diana; Martins, Ana RitaThe Middle Ages have been a source of interest to audiences around the world nearly since the period ended until modern times. While many themes, stories and characters have been reimagined and recreated, or, in other words, ‘palimpsested’, no other has held as much sway as King Arthur, ‘the once and future king’, around whom a constellation of equally celebrated characters aligned and remain as one of the most widely acknowledged medieval legacies in the modern world.Focusing on cinema in particular, this study aims at analysing one of the most recent film adaptations of the Arthurian legend to the big screen, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (Dir. Guy Ritchie, 2017), to understand how films and audiences engage in the process of scraping, erasing, and rewriting Arthur in the twenty-first century.
- "A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing": O Terror Doméstico em Crimson PeakPublication . Marques, Diana; Martins, Ana RitaEste capítulo explora o tema do terror doméstico, em particular no filme Crimson Peak, de Guillermo del Toro. Com raízes na literatura gótica, a representação da casa é fulcral no desenvolvimento da narrativa, uma vez que a casa se assume como personagem. Aqui, a casa também é um espaço que reflete a opressão feminina que subverte a noção tradicional de um lar seguro. Neste capítulo é possível verificar como a casa se transforma num local de terror e revelador de segredos sombrios da família Sharpe.