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O desenvolvimento sustentável, como conceito fulcral para a sobrevivência do nosso
planeta, engloba um conjunto de fatores dos quais a energia constitui uma parte vital. Esta
ideia aparece inclusivamente vertida em diversos Objetivos do Desenvolvimentos
Sustentável (ODS), tais como os Objetivos N.º 9, 11, 12 e 13. Os edifícios representam cerca
de 50% do fenómeno de poluição ambiental, fruto do consumo energético inerente à sua
utilização, que ascende a 41% de toda a energia primária produzida. Estes dados podem
ser explicados pelo aumento da população mundial, a pouca reabilitação de edifícios a nível
global e o exponencial aumento do consumo energético para suprir necessidades de
aquecimento e arrefecimento de edifícios. Neste âmbito, considerou-se importante
verificar a viabilidade de novas soluções que permitam criar estabilidade térmica dentro
dos edifícios, como é o caso da aplicação de Materiais de Mudança de Fase (Phase Change
Materials – PCM) em soluções construtivas. Os PCM apresentam uma comprovada
capacidade de armazenamento térmico em comparação com as soluções tradicionais.
Contudo, uma das grandes vantagens destes materiais reside na não necessidade de
armazenamento de energia elétrica, mas sim o armazenamento da energia térmica do
ambiente envolvente. A modelação da aplicação dos materiais num edifício-tipo e num
edifício real, permitiu obter diferenças nas temperaturas de pico interiores de até 1 °C, bem
como uma redução global de consumos energéticos entre 12% e 23%, para a espessura
mínima dos PCM comerciais analisados. A introdução dos PCM permitiu, de igual forma, a
redução da amplitude térmica interior, observando-se reduções até 83%. A adoção deste
tipo de soluções leva a que seja possível obter reduções de emissões entre os 3,3% e os
33%, no edifício de mais baixa eficiência energética e entre os 2% e os 8%, para o caso de
um edifício de maior eficiência energética. O período de retorno do investimento nestes
materiais mostrou-se elevando, sendo um desafio ao vetor social da sustentabilidade.
Sustainable development, as a key concept for the survival of our planet, includes a set of factors of which energy is a vital part. This idea also appears in several Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO), such as Objectives Nos. 9, 11, 12 and 13. Buildings represent about 50% of the environmental pollution phenomenon, resulting from the energy consumption inherent to its use, which amounts to 41% of all primary energy produced. This can be explained by the increase of the world population, the limited rehabilitation of buildings worldwide and the exponential increase in energy consumption, to meet heating and cooling needs of buildings. In this context it will be important to verify the viability of new solutions that allow thermal stability in buildings, such as the application of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in constructive solutions. PCM have proven thermal storage capacity compared to traditional coating solutions. However, one of the great advantages of these materials lies in the fact that they do not need to store electrical energy, but the storage of thermal energy from the surrounding environment. The application of the materials, in a simulated context, in a model building and in a real building, allowed to obtain differences in interior peak temperatures of up to 1 °C, as well as an overall reduction in energy consumption between 12% and 23%, for the minimum commercial thickness of the PCM used. The introduction of PCM also made it possible to reduce the interior temperature range, with reductions of up to 83% observed. About the environmental sustainability themes, the adoption of this type of solution led to emission reductions between 3.3% and 33%, in the low-efficiency building, and between 2% and 8%, for the most efficient building. The payback period for the investment in these materials need to be increased, representing a challenge to the social vector of sustainability.
Sustainable development, as a key concept for the survival of our planet, includes a set of factors of which energy is a vital part. This idea also appears in several Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO), such as Objectives Nos. 9, 11, 12 and 13. Buildings represent about 50% of the environmental pollution phenomenon, resulting from the energy consumption inherent to its use, which amounts to 41% of all primary energy produced. This can be explained by the increase of the world population, the limited rehabilitation of buildings worldwide and the exponential increase in energy consumption, to meet heating and cooling needs of buildings. In this context it will be important to verify the viability of new solutions that allow thermal stability in buildings, such as the application of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in constructive solutions. PCM have proven thermal storage capacity compared to traditional coating solutions. However, one of the great advantages of these materials lies in the fact that they do not need to store electrical energy, but the storage of thermal energy from the surrounding environment. The application of the materials, in a simulated context, in a model building and in a real building, allowed to obtain differences in interior peak temperatures of up to 1 °C, as well as an overall reduction in energy consumption between 12% and 23%, for the minimum commercial thickness of the PCM used. The introduction of PCM also made it possible to reduce the interior temperature range, with reductions of up to 83% observed. About the environmental sustainability themes, the adoption of this type of solution led to emission reductions between 3.3% and 33%, in the low-efficiency building, and between 2% and 8%, for the most efficient building. The payback period for the investment in these materials need to be increased, representing a challenge to the social vector of sustainability.
Energia Sustentabilidade Materiais de mudança de fases Armazenamento de energia Consumos energéticos Energy Sustainability Phase change materials Energy storage Energy consumption
Flambó, Tiago Miguel Albano - Diminuição da dependência energética de edifícios pela integração de materiais de mudança de fase [Em linha]: contributo para a sustentabilidade. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 363 p.