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Uma organização, quando entende o impacto que a força transformadora do seu Propósito
pode ter, orienta todas as suas atitudes e atividades numa única direção, definindo Modelos
de Gestão coerentes, Estratégias autênticas e promovendo a integridade da liderança que a
compõe. O Propósito organizacional, quando partilhado, apela aos instintos e à emoção dos
trabalhadores, despertando a vivência holística do Propósito no indivíduo através de cada
uma das dimensões: cabeça (conhecimento do Propósito); coração (identificação com o
Propósito); e mãos (contribuição para a realização do Propósito), aumentando a motivação
transcendental dos trabalhadores, reconhecidos stakeholders da organização com influência
direta nos resultados da empresa.
Para perceber de que forma a motivação dos trabalhadores é afetada pelos fatores pessoais e
pelos fatores institucionais relacionados com o Propósito, é proposto um Modelo de
Investigação que inclui as variáveis da componente individual e da componente institucional
do Propósito que, quando integradas num ambiente de trabalho que favorece a experiência
do trabalhador através do Modelo de Gestão de Pessoas Employee Experience, afeta a
motivação dos trabalhadores. A empresa em análise é uma multinacional líder no setor
químico, que conta com uma filial em Portugal constituída por 97 trabalhadores. Através de
um questionário aos trabalhadores, cujos resultados são analisados pela fsQCA, obtêm-se as
combinações dos fatores individuais e institucionais do Propósito que resultam numa elevada
Os resultados revelam que a presença em simultâneo de fatores individuais e institucionais
promove uma elevada motivação nos trabalhadores, sendo a contribuição do trabalhador
para o Propósito e a integridade por parte da liderança da organização dois fatores-chave
que, em conjunto, conduzem a uma elevada motivação nos trabalhadores. As conclusões
suportam a necessidade de partilha do Propósito através das ações da sua liderança, dos
Modelos de Gestão e de Estratégias implementadas pela organização para que os
trabalhadores reconheçam o Propósito e os seus valores, o integrem nas suas ações e sintam
que contribuem para a realização do mesmo.
An organization, when it understands the impact that the transforming force of its Purpose can have, guides all its attitudes and activities in a single direction, defining coherent Management Models, authentic Strategies and promoting the integrity of its leadership. The organizational Purpose, when shared, appeals to the workers' instincts and emotions, awakening the holistic experience of Purpose in the individual through each of the three dimensions: head (knowledge of Purpose); heart (identification with Purpose); and hands (contribution to the Purpose), increasing the transcendental motivation of workers, recognized stakeholders with direct influence on company's results. To understand how workers' motivation is affected by personal factors and institutional factors related to the Purpose, a Research Model that includes the variables of the individual and the institutional component of Purpose is proposed, combined with a work environment that favors the worker experience through the Employee Experience Model. The company under analysis is a leading multinational in the chemical sector, which has a branch in Portugal made up of 97 employees. Through a questionnaire to workers, whose results are analyzed by the fsQCA, the combinations of the individual and institutional factors of the Purpose that result in high motivation are obtained. The results reveal that the simultaneous presence of individual and institutional factors promotes high motivation in workers, with the worker's contribution to the Purpose and integrity on the part of the organization's leadership being two key factors that, together, lead to a high level of motivation. The conclusions support the need to share the Purpose through the actions of its leadership, the Management Models and Strategies implemented by the organization so that workers recognize the Purpose and its values and integrate it into their actions.
An organization, when it understands the impact that the transforming force of its Purpose can have, guides all its attitudes and activities in a single direction, defining coherent Management Models, authentic Strategies and promoting the integrity of its leadership. The organizational Purpose, when shared, appeals to the workers' instincts and emotions, awakening the holistic experience of Purpose in the individual through each of the three dimensions: head (knowledge of Purpose); heart (identification with Purpose); and hands (contribution to the Purpose), increasing the transcendental motivation of workers, recognized stakeholders with direct influence on company's results. To understand how workers' motivation is affected by personal factors and institutional factors related to the Purpose, a Research Model that includes the variables of the individual and the institutional component of Purpose is proposed, combined with a work environment that favors the worker experience through the Employee Experience Model. The company under analysis is a leading multinational in the chemical sector, which has a branch in Portugal made up of 97 employees. Through a questionnaire to workers, whose results are analyzed by the fsQCA, the combinations of the individual and institutional factors of the Purpose that result in high motivation are obtained. The results reveal that the simultaneous presence of individual and institutional factors promotes high motivation in workers, with the worker's contribution to the Purpose and integrity on the part of the organization's leadership being two key factors that, together, lead to a high level of motivation. The conclusions support the need to share the Purpose through the actions of its leadership, the Management Models and Strategies implemented by the organization so that workers recognize the Purpose and its values and integrate it into their actions.
Propósito organizacional Motivação Trabalhadores Employee experience Organizational purpose Motivation Employee experience
Magalhães, Filipa Andreia Faria de Almeida Ferreira de - O propósito enquanto fator determinante na motivação dos trabalhadores [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 116 p.