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As escolas confrontam-se atualmente com um conjunto de desafios que obrigam os
seus profissionais a uma aprendizagem permanente que não se compadece com os modelos
de formação tradicionais. Os professores deverão ser hoje indivíduos envolvidos em
processo de aprendizagem permanente, aprendizagem entendida como muito mais que a
mera aquisição de conhecimento declarativo sobre as respetivas áreas científicas ou
pedagógicas, aprendizagem concebida como parte integrante da vida, aprendizagem como
processo social. É neste contexto que as Comunidades de Prática emergem como
instrumento de resposta às novas necessidades formativas já que contribuem para a
aprendizagem individual dos participantes mas também para a aprendizagem e melhoria
No projeto de investigação por nós desenvolvido propusemo-nos construir uma
comunidade de prática na escola onde exercemos funções docentes procurando
compreender o processo de construção e consolidação de uma comunidade de prática
analisando (i) os fatores que se vão instituindo como facilitadores e obstaculizadores do
processo de construção de uma comunidade de prática; (ii) as diferentes fases de
desenvolvimento interno inerentes ao processo de construção da comunidade; (iii) as
dinâmicas geradas na escola a partir da comunidade de prática e (iv) o contributo da
comunidade de prática em eventuais mudanças nas conceções, práticas e cultura
profissional dos docentes participantes.
Ao longo de dois anos letivos desenvolvemos um projeto de Investigação-Ação
Participante no qual estiveram envolvidos um total de doze docentes, incluindo a
investigadora. O nosso quadro teórico de referência compreende as comunidades de prática
enquanto espaços de aprendizagem social, a liderança pedagógica como instrumento de
empoderamento e autonomização dos professores e a investigação-ação enquanto
metodologia de investigação e formação.
Schools currently face a set of challenges that force their professionals to a process of continuous learning that is not consistent to traditional training models. Teachers today should be individuals involved in lifelong learning processes, learning understood as much more than the mere acquisition of declarative knowledge about the respective scientific or pedagogical areas, learning conceived as an integral part of life, learning as a social process. It is in this scenario that communities of practice emerge as a tool to respond to new training needs as they contribute to the participants’ individual learning but also to organizational learning and improvement. In the research project we have developed, we set out to build a community of practice at the school where we work seeking to understand the process of building and sustaining a community of practice by analysing i) factors that are facilitating and hindering the process of building a community of practice; ii) the different stages of internal development inherent in the community building process; iii) the dynamics generated in the school by the community of practice and iv) the contribution of the community in any changes in the conceptions, practices and professional culture of the participant teachers. Over two years we have develop a Participatory Action Research project in which a total of twelve teachers were involved including the researcher. Our theoretical framework includes communities of practice as spaces for social learning, pedagogical leadership as a tool for empowering and strengthening teachers and action-research as a methodology for research and training.
Schools currently face a set of challenges that force their professionals to a process of continuous learning that is not consistent to traditional training models. Teachers today should be individuals involved in lifelong learning processes, learning understood as much more than the mere acquisition of declarative knowledge about the respective scientific or pedagogical areas, learning conceived as an integral part of life, learning as a social process. It is in this scenario that communities of practice emerge as a tool to respond to new training needs as they contribute to the participants’ individual learning but also to organizational learning and improvement. In the research project we have developed, we set out to build a community of practice at the school where we work seeking to understand the process of building and sustaining a community of practice by analysing i) factors that are facilitating and hindering the process of building a community of practice; ii) the different stages of internal development inherent in the community building process; iii) the dynamics generated in the school by the community of practice and iv) the contribution of the community in any changes in the conceptions, practices and professional culture of the participant teachers. Over two years we have develop a Participatory Action Research project in which a total of twelve teachers were involved including the researcher. Our theoretical framework includes communities of practice as spaces for social learning, pedagogical leadership as a tool for empowering and strengthening teachers and action-research as a methodology for research and training.
Educação Comunidades de prática Liderança pedagógica Investigação ação Ensino básico Ensino secundário Pedagogical leadership Action-Research
Sousa, Maria Luísa de - Construção de uma comunidade de prática numa escola do ensino básico e secundário [Em linha]: análise de um processo de investigação-ação participante. [S.n.]: [s.n.], 2019. 2 vols.