Caeiro, SandraCosta, Maria HelenaGoovaerts, PeterMarco, PainhoFlavio, Martins2011-12-192011-12-192005Caeiro, Sandra [et al.] - Benthic biotope index for classifying habitats in the sado estuary [Em linha]: Portugal. "Marine Environmental Research" [Em linha]. ISSN 0141-1136 (Print) 1879-0291 (Online). Vol. 60, nÂș 5 (2005), p. 570-5930141-11361879-0291 integration of sediment physical, chemical, biological, and toxicity data is necessary for a meaningful interpretation of the complex sediment conditions in the marine environment. Assessment of benthic community is a vital component for that interpretation, yet their evaluation is complex and requires a large expenditure of time and funds. Thus, there is a need for new tools that are less expensive and more understandable for managers. This paper presents a benthic biotope index to predict from physical and chemical variables the occurrence of macrobenthic habitats. Parameters such as sediment type, organic matter, depth, and hydrodynamic parameters were selected, through a discriminant analysis, to compute the index. Other authors have used multivariate methods to determine the benthic biotopes for Sado Estuary. The index proved to be a valid tool to classify and assess the spatial patterns of benthic habitat and to synthesize stress biotope gradients.engBenthic habitatBiotope gradientSediment quality assessmentindicator and IndicesPollution effectsEstuariesBenthic biotope index for classifying habitats in the sado estuary: Portugaljournal article