Issa, Tomayesskommers, PietIssa, TheodoraIsaias, PedroIssa, Touma B.2024-08-052024-08-052017Issa, T., Kommers, P., Issa, T., Isaias, P., and Issa, T. (Eds.). (2017). Smart technology applications in business: Global perspectives. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.9781522524922 editada por: Tomayess Issa; Piet Kommers; Theodora Issa; Pedro Isaias e Touma B. IssaTechnology continues to make great strides in society by providing opportunities for advancement, inclusion, and global competency. As new systems and tools arise, novel applications are created as well. Smart Technology Applications in Business Environments is an essential reference source for the latest scholarly research on the risks and opportunities of utilizing the latest technologies in different aspects of society such as education, healthcare systems, and corporations. Featuring extensive coverage on a broad range of topics and perspectives including virtual reality, robotics, and social media, this publication is ideally designed for academicians, researchers, students, and practitioners seeking current research on the improvement and increased productivity from the implementation of smart technologies.engAerobatic interactionMulti-sensory stimulationAuditory feedbackRoboticsDigital storytellingSocial mediaHuman-data interactionVirtual realitySmart technology applications in business environmentsbook10.4018/978-1-5225-2492-2