Matos, CátiaGronita, JoaquimBernardo, AnaMarques, JoanaPimentel, Júlia2018-07-232018-07-232009Matos, Cátia [et al.] - A percepção das famílias no processo de construção de práticas inclusivas no âmbito da Intervenção Precoce. In International IRIS Conference, 2009, Évora - "Changing Practices around the World [Em linha]: proceedings". Évora: Universidade de Évora, 2009. 18 p. projecto de investigação “O processo de construção de boas práticas” teve como meta, o estudo das práticas implementadas por uma equipa de intervenção precoce (IP) ao nível da comunidade, família, criança, serviço e programa. As práticas internacionais evidenciam o papel predominante da família em IP, reforçando o trabalho centrado na família, sendo adaptado e específico a cada uma. Um dos objectivos do estudo era compreender como é que as famílias percepcionam o atendimento e a equipa de IP. Assim foram utilizados dois instrumentos, o questionário de expectativas e o questionário de satisfação das famílias, aplicados em dois momentos distintos, o primeiro no inicio do atendimento e o segundo no final do mesmo. Estes resultados permitiram constatar o nível elevado de expectativas e de satisfação das famílias face ao trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de IP, assim como relacionar o nível de expectativas e o de satisfação de algumas famílias. Abstract This research project “Early Intervention: the process of building and implementing good practices” had as a goal, the study of practices implemented in an Early Intervention (EI) team within Community, family, child, service and program. The international recommended practices emphasize the fundamental part played by families in EI, enhancing the work centered on families, adjusted and specific for each family. One of the goals of the study was to understand how families percive the support and the EI team. For that, we used to instruments, a expectations and a satisfaction questionnaire given to the families, in two distinct moments, the first in the beginnig of the support and the second when the support finished. The results allowed to acess the high level of expectations and satisfaction of the families regarding the support given to them from the EI team, as well as relate the expectations and satisfaction of some families.This research project “Early Intervention: the process of building and implementing good practices” had as a goal, the study of practices implemented in an Early Intervention (EI) team within Community, family, child, service and program. The international recommended practices emphasize the fundamental part played by families in EI, enhancing the work centered on families, adjusted and specific for each family. One of the goals of the study was to understand how families percive the support and the EI team. For that, we used to instruments, a expectations and a satisfaction questionnaire given to the families, in two distinct moments, the first in the beginnig of the support and the second when the support finished. The results allowed to acess the high level of expectations and satisfaction of the families regarding the support given to them from the EI team, as well as relate the expectations and satisfaction of some families.porIntervenção precoceSatisfaçãoExpectativasPercepções parentaisEarly interventionSatisfactionExpectationsParent’s perceptionA percepção das famílias no processo de construção de práticas inclusivas no âmbito da intervenção precoceThe perception of families in the process of building inclusive practices in early interventionconference object