Costa, SusanaTavares, MirianBidarra, JoséSilva, Bruno Mendes da2023-07-192023-07-192023Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., & Mendes da Silva, B. (2023). IN[The Hate Booth]: A Gamified Installation to Counteract Hate Speech. In Brooks, A.L. (Eds) ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 479, pp. 161–173. Springer, Cham. an online game, interacting on a social network or in a digital gaming community is part of the daily lives of most children and youth, with effects on the development of the personality, influence on the behavior and on the ability to manage conflicts. Studies and reports have been analyzing the interactions of online players, on gaming platforms and communities, as consumers and content producers, with the aim of understanding and finding effective ways to prevent hate speech from proliferating in these digital environments. In this article, we present a gamified installation, combining narrative and participatory approaches, as a response to the proliferation of online hate speech. The game-installation [IN]The Hate Booth consists of a light booth, where the interactor can find an interactive fiction game inspired by the videogame universe. This game will be the basis of a pedagogical itinerary, aiming to reflect on experiences with online hate speech and its effects inside and outside the virtual world [1, 2]. The initiative seeks to contribute to achieving and developing the sixteenth goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: the construction of peaceful and just societies, and effective, accountable and inclusive democracies at all levels.engOnline hate speechCounternarrativesGamificationIN[The Hate Booth]: a gamified installation to counteract hate speechjournal article10.1007/978-3-031-28993-4_12