Barbeiro, SÃlviaSerranho, Pedro2021-01-212021-01-212020978-3-030-52803-4 (Print)978-3-030-52804-1 (Online)2199-3041 (Print)2199-305X (online) paper addresses the numerical simulation of the mechanical waves propagation and induced displacements in the human retina, for the elastography imaging modality. In this way, we use a model for the human eye and numerically approximate the propagation of time-harmonic acoustic waves through the different media of the eye and the respective elastic excitation in the retina, through a layered representation approach based on the method of fundamental solutions. We present numerical results showing the feasibility of the method.engElastographyMethod of fundamental solutionsCoupled acoustic wave propagationElastic displacement modelThe method of fundamental solutions for the direct elastography problem in the human retinabook part10.1007/978-3-030-52804-1_5