Cavique, Luís2011-11-092011-11-092007Cavique, Luís - A network algorithm to discover sequential patterns. In Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA, 13, Guimarães, 2007 – “ Proceedings of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence" [Em linha]. Berlin: Springer, 2007. ISBN 3-540-77000-3. p. 406-4143-540-77000-3 paper addresses the discovery of sequential patterns in very large databases. Most of the existing algorithms use lattice structures in the space search that are very demanding computationally. The output of these algorithms generates a large number of rules. The aim of this work is to create a swift algorithm for the discovery of sequential patterns with a low time complexity. In this work, we also want to define tools that allow us to simplify the work of the final user, by offering a new visualization of the sequences, while bypassing the analysis of thousands of association rules.engData miningFrequent sequence miningGraph theoryA network algorithm to discover sequential patternsbook part