Sousa, Ivo Dias de2017-01-252017-01-252016-03-26Sousa, Ivo Dias de - Thumbs up! [Em linha]: Five steps to create the Life of Your Dreams” by Joey Reiman. [London] : Intelligenthq, 2016. Disponível em :ão crítica à obra de Joel Reiman, "“Thumbs up!: Five steps to create the life of Your dreams”, 2015Thumbs Up!: Five Steps to Create the Life of Your Dreams is an interesting and uplifting self-help book with the intention to help the reader to have more success and happiness in his life. The main goal of the book is present a sort of “operative system” to guide us through our lives. In a way, the “operative system” is a few simple and intelligent rules of the thumb that Joey Reiman presents to the reader. Joey Reiman is an author, speaker and college lecturer. He is also the CEO and the founder of the consultancy company BrightHouse. The mission of the company is “to bring greater purpose to the world of business”. Some of its clients are Procter & Gamble, CocaCola, McDonald’s. The magazine Fast Company designated Joey Reiman as one of the 100 people most likely to change the way the world thinks.engChangeBookMotivationSelf-help“Thumbs up!: Five steps to create the life of Your dreams” by Joey Reimanreview