Issa, TomayessIsaias, PedroIssa, Theodora2024-08-062024-08-062021Issa, T., Isaias, P., Issa, T. (Eds.). (2021). "Guest Editorial: Challenges and Opportunities of E-Learning and Blended Learning during COVID-19 – Part 2". Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), 18(3).1741-5659 December 2019, our lives transformed incessantly, as a new virus – a secret and unknown enemy – named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), interrupted and disturbed the lives of people world-wide. The spread of the secret virus affected and impacted all the sectors including the education. Currently world-wide, the education sector is facing a huge impact as a result of the COVID-19, with universities forced to shift their teaching to e-learning and blended learning modes. Academics have had to adapt to this change, both by way of teaching and the assessment process. This has generated several challenges and opportunities for both academics and students. This special issue aims to investigate, assess and examine academics’ perspectives and perceptions with regard how they have handled this challenge as well as highlighting any opportunities and challenges they have experienced during this period. This new issue will add a new theoretical and practical significance to the e-learning literature review, as currently academics are facing new challenges and opportunities by changing their teaching mode from blend teaching to pure e-learning from the COVID-19. This special issue explored the following themes, namely, teaching mode, e-Learning, blended Learning and collaborative technology. The special issue is comprised of seven papers.engCOVID-19ChallengesOpportunitiesEearningBlended learningGuest editorial: challenges and opportunities of elearning and blended learning during COVID-19 – Part 2periodical