Batoréo, HannaFerrari, Lilian2017-02-272017-02-272016Batoréo, Hanna; Ferrari, Lilian - Events of motion and Talmyan typology: verb-framed and satellite-framed patterns in Portuguese. "Cognitive Semantics" [Em linha]. ISSN 2352-6408 (Print) ISSN 2352-6416 (Online). Vol. 1, nº 2 (2016), p. 59-792352-64082352-6416 elaborado no âmbito da investigação desenvolvida no Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - CLUNL, Lisboa, Portugal (1ª autora) e da CNPq, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2ª autora).This paper discusses the classical Talmyan proposal (Talmy, 1985, 2000) on events of motion and lexicalization patterns, which classifies languages as verb-framed and satellite-framed. The research is based on corpus data of European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP), and focuses on COSTA-motion events, which imply movement along/ towards an area of land bordering on a water basin. It is shown that these motion patterns may be encoded by: a) denominal lexicalized verbs such as (a)beirar, margear, acostar, and b) satellite-framed patterns of the type [V + preposition + COSTA Noun], in which the noun may be instantiated by costa ‘coast’, margem ‘margin’ or beira ‘edge’. Our analysis challenges the assumption that Portuguese is a(n) (exclusively) verb-framed language by showing that while the verb-framed pattern is stronger in BP, EP seems to be moving toward satellite-framing. These results indicate different typological tendencies in the development of Portuguese as a pluricentric language.engCognitive linguisticsLanguage typologyEvents of motionTalmyan schematic systemsLanguage variationPortuguese language (European Portuguese – EP and Brazilian Portuguese – BP)Events of motion and Talmyan typology: verb-framed and satellite-framed patterns in Portuguesejournal article10.1163/23526416-00201004