Bidarra, JosĂ©Neves, Claudia2024-01-102024-01-102024Bidarra, J. & Neves, C. (2024). AI Transformation for Learning in Organizations. In H. Mamede & A. Santos (Eds.), Creating Learning Organizations Through Digital Transformation (pp. 49-72). IGI Global. this chapter the authors examine how AI applications support specific learning and training strategies in organizations, empowering individuals to develop their skills, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions, and ensuring that learning is an ongoing and engaging process. Research shows that AI is an excellent instrument for learning in organizations as it aids in the preparation of instructional materials and helps learners progress in many different ways. So, there seems to be a need for a specific approach to AI pedagogy, which focuses not only on what AI can do but also on which learning activities and learning objectives can be supported by AI applications. As AI technology continues to advance, it will play an even more significant role in shaping the future of learning and development in the organizations, but this should always follow a humanistic perspective and a critical approach.engInteligĂȘncia artificialAprendizagem organizacionalPedagogiaAl transformation for learning in organizationsbook part10.4018/979-8-3693-0556-0.ch004